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Katie awoke in a dark room. She was shoved up against a wall that was cold to the touch. There wasn't much to make out for the vision was still blurry. The pain became relevant as her head was ringing with a terrible screech. Using the wall as support, she weakly rose, nearly losing her balance as her feet ached below her.

She would squeeze her temples as she took one flimsy step after another. It felt like a nasty hangover of some kind, one you'd get from at least twenty drinks as the usual headache was more of a migraine. What the hell did they give me? I can't even think straight. Her body quivered every time she had stopped or stumbled.

Tumbling in the dark wasn't really her thing for her flashlight was missing, as was the gun Colonel gave her. They must have stripped them of whatever they had on them. It seemed like light years before she reached the opposite side of the room, wherever it was. She tumbled her fingers along the wall, hoping to find something—anything that could help her. Moving along the right hand side, she felt something but wasn't quite sure what as it was cold and rounded with a smooth edge.

Suddenly it opened, catching her off guard as she stumbled onto her back. The floor was hard as the impact nearly caused her to lose her breath. She would look up, realizing it was a person before as they kneeled down before her.

"You're awake." A voice arose from the person, sounding curious yet soft.

"Who are you?" Katie asked.

"Just a friend." The voice answered.

Katie shook her head. "I—I don't know if I can trust you. Where is Evan?"

The voice fell silent. Katie had managed to push herself off the floor before backing away; hoping the owner of the voice wouldn't follow. But they did as she found herself pinned to the wall she awoke from once again. The sound of the person's shuffling was uneasy as it would stop halfway. Katie felt useless, the world just seemed like a blur and her mind wouldn't quiet.

"Don't worry." The voice pierced through the darkness. "The headache will go away soon. But I can help you get rid of it sooner."

"How would you do that? I'm sure it has to do with probing and god awful tests." Katie replied.

"So you do know where you are. Well done." The voice said.

Katie knew very well where she was. It was the company that James was a part of, the one that has been ruling the world with an iron fist. The one everyone was on their toes for, the one where people are stolen off the street. It was so familiar and Katie knew they had to get out. But where could she find Evan and Aspen? This person obviously was told to keep their mouth shut.

"You know who I am then?" She was becoming suspicious of what could be coming next.

"Of course, Katie. You've been here before, remember?"

True but I want to so desperately forget. 


The sounds were deafening when Evan came to. All he remembered was watching Katie collapse a few hundred feet in front of him before two goons in a black SUV pulled up behind them. Both Aspen and Evan had put up a good fight but they still lost the battle. One of them had pinned Evan down roughly on the dirt below them and Aspen on the SUV's hood. The one with Aspen had pulled out a hammer and started to pound her hand to a pulp. Her scream was painful and hard to ignore as all he could do was watch.

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