Wounded & Lost In Love

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By the time Katie arrived the University Hospital, Evan had been on the ER table for twenty minutes. A couple nurses came up to her and gently let her fall into a wheelchair. As they pushed her along, they had passed the room Evan was in and recognized Doc hovering over him as he ordered an intubation. That is the moment she knew it wasn't looking good. Half of her wanted to ask the nurse to allow her into the room but this was someone she didn't know and those who would recognize her were old co-workers.

Without a word, she looked onward, knowing she could see him later. She was checked in after that, the nurse was kind at least and knew exactly how to handle things. Katie wasn't one to judge but being in the medical field can sure make you judgmental. After taking her clothes off, her guess earlier was right as she was covered in purple bruises and each one was sorer than the last. And after an x-ray of her arm, it did reveal it was cracked but not broken so they suited her with a thin cast.

By the time her test came back negative and clothes were put back on, the nurse agreed to let her see Evan. Katie still had to stay for observation but she was more than happy to get a good dose of pain killers for a change. She would walk out of her tomorrow morning. It was almost five o'clock by the time she could freely roam around. Katie was expecting the worst as she begun to search out Doc or even find Evan's room.

But instead, Doc found her as they crashed into each other in the ICU hallway. "Watch where you're—oh my god. Katie? Is that?"

"The one and only." Katie said, happy to see her old friend.

"Come here." He'd say as he offered a hug. She accepted it with open arms, hugging him tight, winching towards the pain. "I am glad you are alright. We have all be worried sick about you. Where have you been?"

Katie held her casted arm up. "Well, it is a long story as you can see."

"My god! You were in the emergency room?! Why didn't you tell me? I would have come to you immediately." Doc sounded distressed a bit but managed to calm himself.

"It's ok, Doc. Just a minor crack. I can leave tomorrow."

"Oh thank god." He was relieved in hearing that. "So why are you roaming around the halls? Shouldn't you be in your room at least?"

Katie shrugged. "I wanted to see you again but the real reason is I am looking for my friend."

"What's their name? I'll point you in the right direction."

"Evan Fong." Katie replied.

Doc's face sudden dropped. "You're the one who was with Fong when you were found?"

"Yes, why?"

"No reason. Just wondering." He'd say, turning his attention back to his clipboard before meeting her gaze again. "I actually just came from his room."

"How is he?" Katie was preparing to hear the worst.

"Well, he is currently unconscious but stable. However, he took a pretty nasty hit to the head so he might be in a comatose state for awhile."

Katie frowned. "Oh. What about his leg?"

"His leg?"


"The right one? It has a pretty deep wound but nothing super serious. It looked like he was bit by something." Doc gave a quizzed look towards her. "You don't know anything about that, do you, sweetie?"

"Actually, I do know what bit him."

"You don't say." Doc chuckled. "If you wish to see him, I ain't stopping you. He may be unconscious but I bet he wouldn't mind a visit." Doc had taken her down the hall to the room where Evan was. Katie's heart sank when she approached his bedside.

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