Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was, if I remember correctly, early spring of my fifth year at that lousy excuse for a school called Hogwarts. I don't remember the exact details of what had happened, but I'd had enough and needed some air.

Pansy Parkinson and I had been "dating" ever since the Yule Ball. But I didn't really see her as my girlfriend, she was more of an annoying tag-along who agreed with everything that I said. And we didn't act like other couples did; sure she would hold my hand and I would occasionally get a peck on the cheek, but I didn't love her.

It was as simple as that. Yet it so seemed complex: if I broke up with her she would shut me out and spread rumors and sit behind me in class, sending a teasing curse in my direction whenever she could sneak one without getting caught.

But it didn't feel like that was necessarily the reason why I didn't want to break up with her. No matter how obnoxious she was, she had still been my best friend ever since first year, and I didn't want to hurt her, because hurting her would hurt me.

She had been holding my hand during breakfast that morning, and it just didn't feel right. It felt uncomfortable and awkward, and I had kept shifting in my seat. But she had just sat there laughing and talking to her girl friends around her and frequently throwing me a flirtatious glance and batting her eyelashes at me. I had told her some lie about having to talk to Snape and tried not to look like I was running for my life as I exited the Great Hall.

So I had escaped to here.

Whenever I needed a break, to run away from it all for just a few minutes, I came here, a small lake that was just a hundred yards outside of the school, with a pair of trees that stood less than 10 feet apart. I don't know what it was, but I could always find a way to relax whenever I was here. I'd just sit down and lean against one of the trees, close my eyes, and forget about everything.

And that day, I finally came to a conclusion. It had to stop; all of it had to end. I couldn't keep lying to my best friend, and I could no longer continue to try and make myself someone that I wasn't.

As I sat there, with a gentle breeze blowing against my face and clouds completely covering the sky so that the sunlight seemed to not exist, everything seemed so peaceful. And I tried hard to think of a way to break up with Pansy that wasn't anything stupid or cliché.

But I didn't have to think for long because, even though I didn't know it right away, the answer came to me.




I bounded down the stairs without making eye contact with anyone. I realized that I was heading, by force of habit, toward the Great Hall, and made a sharp turn at the next corner. I saw the main entrance to the school. I hesitated for a moment and peaked over my shoulder. I was sure I'd get in trouble from Umbridge for leaving the building - she'd at least give me a detention. But then I pictured Ron running down the stairs behind me, trying to catch up and apologize. I didn't want that. It would've been a lie, and only said to clear his conscience.

I opened the door just wide enough for me to fit through, and slipped outside. The sky was a shade of light grey, not a single sign of the sun, and yet the temperature was simply perfect, not too hot, not too cold, with a slight breeze; so it was like a mixture of peacefulness and depression.

I considered going down to Hagrid's, but I wasn't really in the mood for his cooking, and that might be a possible place for Harry and Ron to look if they came searching for me. So, trying to wipe the last tears that were lingering in my eyes, I started in the opposite direction. I ended up stopping short of a small lake that I had glanced over at several times from a distance, but never gotten close to before.

I sniffled and was about to sit down by one of the two trees that were there when I caught my breath.

None other than Draco Malfoy himself was there, leaning against the other tree, and he appeared to be sleeping, but looking closer, I could tell by the stressed look etched across his face that he simply had his eyes closed.

I tried to back up without him noticing me, but I hadn't gone three steps when I stepped on a twig and snapped it. Naturally.

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