Chapter 5

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I knew where I was, but I had no idea how I had gotten there. I looked around, completely confused. The scene seemed like it should be familiar, for some reason, but then again, I had walked through the courtyard more times than I could count.

Suddenly two students appeared to be walking up to me, but at the same time, they didn't seem to notice that I was standing there. They got closer, and I just stood there, thinking they were going to say something, but they just kept walking. When they got about a foot away, I was positive that there was something seriously wrong with the pair of them.

"Oi!" I said. They didn't look at me. "Try using your eyes, you're going to run right into m-"

They should've ran into me, but instead, they had walked right through me, like I was some sort of ghost.

I turned around and looked at the two who had just walked...through me. They didn't even seem to notice. Then, the next moment, I heard a voice from behind me that sent a chill down my spine.

"You see, Weasley," the voice said, "unlike some, my father can afford the best."

I turned around slowly. Not ten yards away, I saw my 12-year-old-self, wearing a brand new uniform for the Slytherin quidditch team, holding a Nimbus 2000 like it was the most important thing in the entire world. I walked closer to the scene, even though I knew exactly what came next.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent," a younger Hermione told the younger me. I watched "myself" step closer to her, and could clearly see the hatred and disgust on my face.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood," little Draco said to her coldly.

I watched Hermione's facial expression, as it seemed to absolutely shatter. She looked so broken up that I wanted to hug her, but mini-me just looked at her with pure hatred. Then everything began to blur and disappear around me; the colors changed, and when everything came back into focus, I was inside what had to be Hagrid's hut.

It wasn't long after the event that I had just witnessed.

"He called her...well, I'm not sure what it means, exactly," Harry was saying. Ron vomited out a slug into a huge bucket that he was holding on his lap.

Hermione stood up and walked over to where I was, obviously just staring at the wall, but from my perspective, she was staring straight into me eyes. She had been crying, and it looked like thinking back to the incident was bringing back the tears.

"He called me a mudblood," she said quietly, and her pain spread to me.

As a fresh tear began to roll down her cheek, the scene changed.

I was in the Gryffindor girl's dormitory; I wasn't sure how I knew, but I could tell. It was completely empty, except for Ginny Weasley, who was sitting on her bed, reading. I waited to see what would happen.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and Hermione, now in her third year, came bursting into her room. The Weasley girl looked up, confused.

Hermione ran straight to her bed and threw herself down on it. She began sobbing into her pillow.

Ginny quickly got up, came over, and sat down on the bed, patting her back and trying to calm her down.

When Hermione finally sat up, her eyes were puffy and completely red, tears still swimming in them.

The Weasley looked at her for a moment and then sighed, "It was Malfoy again, wasn't it?" Hearing my name made me jump.

Hermione gave a small nod, a sniffled. "I-I don't know w-why he has so much effect on me," she managed to get out. "It's the same every time too; every single time he calls me a...a mudblood...I just...I don't know why..." she looked down at her hands and gulped, trying to hold back more teardrops.

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