Chapter 15

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I walked over to my Aunt Bellatrix, who had Potter by the hair. It took all of my willpower not to look over at Hermione.

"Well?" my aunt asked, the look in her eyes was hungry excitement.

I could feel Hermione's eyes on my back, piercing through me, watching my every move.

I gulped. "I can't be sure," I said flatly.

My father came up from behind me, grabbing my neck; hard at first but then he loosened the grip. He spoke quietly in my ear, reassuring me that if it really was Harry, that we would be forgiven and some of this madness would end.

I nodded my head once.

But I could hardly focus on what he was saying.

Bellatrix pulled me closer, and I knelt down, my face only inches away from Potter's.

"Now, if this isn't who we think it is, and we call him, he'll kill us all; we have to be absolutely sure," she hissed.

It was Potter. I could tell right away, no question about it. I'd recognize him anywhere, after taunting him the past six years.

The past six years.

That's how long I had bullied him, which meant that that was almost as long as I had tried to make Hermione's life completely miserable as well.

I looked into Harry's eyes; well, the one eye that could actually be seen and wasn't completely swollen, that is.

"What's wrong with his face?" I asked quietly, not taking my eyes of him.

To my surprise, it actually got my aunt onto that topic.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" she questioned. What she said next made me freeze. "Was it you, dear?" she asked "Oh, caught you!" she chuckled.

My mum came and tapped my shoulder, motioning for me to stand up. I looked back at Harry, who stared right back, coldly. Then I stood and joined my mother, focussing on what was going on.

Bellatrix stopped.

"What is that?" she breathed. There was a look of, it seemed, terror in her face.

I looked where she was facing, and saw a Snatcher who was holding a sword of some sort.

"It was in her bag when we searched her," he replied.


That wasn't a good sign.

"I guess it's mine now," the Snatcher added, smiling crookedly.

That smile didn't last long though, because my aunt went into a mad fit, throwing curses at every Snatcher in the room, screaming at them to get out.

When they were gone, she quickly walked over to where Hermione and Weasley were standing.

She grabbed Ron and harshly threw him away from Hermione.

"Sissy, put the boys in the cellar," yelled at my mom. Then she stepped right up to Hermione's face, their noses an inch apart. "I need to have a little talk with this one...girl to girl!"

That's when my world stopped turning.


All it took was one wave of my aunt's wand and Hermione fell to the floor, as if someone had pulled a rug out from under her.

I stood against the wall, my expression showing that I didn't at all care about what was happening.

But my insides were screaming...even before Hermione started to.

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