Chapter 14

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Ron came back.
I took one look at him and had a feeling of complete relief sweep over me. He was okay, unharmed, safe, and he had come back.
That feeling, however, didn't last more than 2 seconds.
It was instead replaced with anger. I had gone chasing after him, pleading that he didn't go. He had looked right into my tear-stained eyes and left anyway.
So I gave him the silent treatment, acted as if he wasn't there at all. But I noticed that there was something strange about the way he looked at me. It was different. I had only seen one person look at me that way before.
And that person hadn't been in my life for several months.



I sat in my bedroom, trying not to listen to the screams that were coming from the floors below me.
The amount of people on the run who were being captured and brought here.
The amount of cruel torture that went on.
The mercilessness.
The hatred that came from nowhere.
It surrounded me from every direction and I had nowhere to turn.
And yet despite of it all, there was still her.
I couldn't forget about her.
No. That's an understatement.
There was no escaping her; she was everywhere. I thought about her all the time.
Even when I could vividly hear the cries of torment from somewhere in the manor, I didn't stop thinking about her. Actually, when I heard someone being tortured, I thought of her even more.
I constantly tried to put the idea out of my head about what Hermione was going through. I just hoped that she was still alive. Knowing she was on the run with Potter while I spent most of my hours locked in my room was the worst thing in the entire world.
There was no end to this war.
I ran my hands through my hair. I could almost hear Hermione's screams of torture in my head. It made me feel faint.
If there was an end to this war, I didn't see it coming anytime soon.



I took one glance around and knew we were doomed.
We were surrounded by at least a dozen Snatchers. At least.
I looked at Harry, panicked. He took one look at me, then turned on his heels and ran.
Ron and I followed.
We ran as fast as we could, but it wasn't even close to fast enough. Spells hit the trees all around us. From somewhere behind me, I heard Ron fall.
That's the moment I came to terms with the fact that we weren't going to get out of this one.
I stopped short, taking in my surroundings.
Snatchers. That was all I saw.
I turned, seeing Harry coming towards me at top speed.
He was going to think that I was crazy, but it was the only option I saw.
In a single motion, I quickly raised my wand and shot a curse at Harry's face.
He immediately fell to the ground. I ran over and took the glasses off of his face.
Harry shook his head and then looked at me, "The hallows exist. Voldemort knows about the elder wand. He'll have it by the end of the night."
It had come completely out of the blue, but I didn't even have time to react, because in that second, I was being yanked up onto my feet by a Snatcher...


We were approaching a manor, with huge gate in front of it. Someone on the other side of the gate walked up to us. At first I couldn't tell who it was, but as she came closer, I knew.
Bellatrix Lastrange.
And as the Snatcher who had hold of Harry showed her the faded outline of the lightening bolt on his forehead, she uttered two words that made my heart stop inside of me.



It had been a fairly quiet day.
Maybe today would be one of those rare days when a prisoner wasn't brought to our house and I didn't have to hear my aunt screaming like a mad woman.
But I was wrong.
My mother came into my room, and I turned to look at her. Her face was pale, but that wasn't abnormal these days.
"Draco...we need you downstairs," she said quietly.
Hesitantly, I followed her out of my room and down the staircase.
When I walked into the room she led me to, the first person that I saw was Ron Weasley.
For a moment, I froze. I silently begged that she wasn't here with them. I'd give anything, anything, to have her anywhere but here in this room.
I but I hadn't even finished my thought when my eyes landed on her. Hermione.
She was already looking at me.
And fear was the only thing that I saw in her eyes.

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