Chapter 1

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    I quickly walk through the dim street, hurrying home before I was kidnapped, "I'm home!" I yelled, only to find my  mother and father sitting down on the couch with tired expressions, "Mom do you want me to cook you something or make coffee?" I said. Helping them like this was the best I could do for them because they work hard enough for me, "Coffee here!" My dad yelled as my mom said the same, "Alright, two coffee coming right up!" I yelled.

After making two coffee for my parents I gave them kiss on the cheek and went upstairs. I know, I'm too old for that but I want to be the good girl I'm expected to be.

From downstairs,  I heard my parents talking. My mom sounded desperate on trying to make my dad stay. On other hand, my dad sigh and just took off. My mom cried for hours after and just the noise pained my heart.

I showered quickly and went to bed but the sound of continuous screaming made me curious.

The clock read twelve in the midnight and I hopped off the bed to look out the window. But there was nothing for me to see only the bright moon giving the street some light. However, one thing did caught my eyes. Something shining, it wasn't too far and curiosity grew in me so I put on a jacket and ran downstairs to the door and outside.

What awaited me was a man. I couldn't see his face properly but his crimson eyes made me shudder and frightened. I stood still on my spot unable to move. I tried to break free but it was as if my body didn't belong to me, "What the hell is this!" I yelled, attempting to spit at the stranger who did not move from his spot.

I may not be able to move but my mouth was still free. I may be frightened by him but I was more annoyed at the fact that he was holding the bright, shining object that I spotted first, "Hey that's mine you asshole!" I yelled, and without even knowing it, I was able to move again as if I just broke something. Like chains that prevented me from moving.

Putting that aside, the first thing that crossed my mind was to steal the shiny thing so I did run but before I knew it he was gone, "Get back here you fucking robber!" I yelled loudly not caring if I woke the neighbors up.

Without even a warning, a massive pain focused on one spot. My neck. I yelled and yelled not knowing what was happening then I touch my neck only to see blood! Something in me was driving me crazy as I felt myself weakened.


I stood up abruptly from my bed glad to be awoken by my nightmare. I wasn't even sure if it was reality or a dream because it seemed too realistic.

My clock read six in the morning as I began showering. After doing my morning routine I decided to run to school today not wanting to wake my mother up though she was probably off to work.

I grab a pandesal [A/N: A filipino bread.] and quickly ran in the cold morning like any other winter days. I didn't arrive later than six forty, "Damn, I didn't beat my record." I mumble under my breath.

I waited thirty minutes more until the bell rang and ran to my first period. I was a good runner and I enjoy running but to others they don't see me other than a wind. Like I don't even exist in the first place but I don't care, I never ask to be notice by others.

"My dear honey's! Please welcome our new honey!" My cool AP English teacher said.

Usually when there is a new student rumors would have spread already but this time it wasn't? Or it's probably because there was no school yesterday, duh.

A guy wearing denim pants and a plain black t-shirt walk in the class making girls dream about him as the guys become jealous and annoyed. Seeing the class in a love triangle just make me want to laugh but that laugh stopped when he sat next to me.

I didn't really consider his beauty but seeing him close-up actually made me want to gaze at his features. But what made my eyes remain was his rare amber eyes that imprison me, refraining me from moving. But once his eyes flicker I was in control again.

I didn't greet him and simply look away but the voices I hear sadden me,

"How come a stranger like her gets to sit with such a hot guy?"

"Ugh! I wish I was that girl!"

"Curse her, I would've greeted him if I was her."

"How can she ignore him like that?"

"Who is that girl? I never notice her, how lucky of her."

This was something I have had ever since I was little. Hearing people's voices was one of my mysterious power and I have no idea how I got it.

"Now now honeys! Quiet down and let's begin class!" Mr. Mike said, everyone obeying him. He was a cool teacher but you didn't want to get on his bad side.

Once the class ended other boring classes came along which I surprisingly have with the new boy and eventually lunch came that my stomach have been yearning for the past classes.

I took out food from my back pack and began eating it alone, "I love you food." I thought.

"Greetings Lily." The new student appeared.

"Uh hello?" I said awkwardly, wiping my mouth slowly because I didn't think anyone would come to such a deserted place.

"Edward Sturm." He said which Im guessing is his name. His formality was making it difficult for me to understand but I tried.

"So uhm I'm eating lunch, do you want to like... eat with me?" I told him feeling a little ashamed of my way of speaking.

"Gladly." He spoke, "I do not have lunch therefore I will not eat."

Is this his way of asking for my food? So weird, "Just ask me and i'll share my lunch you know." I handed him a lunchbox that had salted chicken inside along with fried rice. He opened it and look at it as if it was new to him. Was he not from here? "Uhm that's chicken and fried rice." I said, "I'm aware of that." He spoke, making me feel stupid.

Why do I feel like this guy is messing around with me?

I was thinking that he would become friends with the jocks or hang with the popular because of his good looks. I mean he really looks like a world-star celebrity or a cosmopolitan model.

"Can I drink you instead?" He ask, giving me shivers.

"Excuse me?" I said in a serious tone rather than rude, "Nothing." He responded.

Im not sure if he's being serious or messing around but that was uncomfortable.

We ate together in silence for what seemed like forever until the bell rang. Of course, we have all classes together.

But... Something about him was making me feel weird and different.

Who is this guy?




You guys can call me carmi or carm ;P


What are you more afraid of, kidnappers or ghost?

[I say ghost.]

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