Chapter 2

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It's been days since I had the mellow awkward encounter with Marcel at the Mall. He was so open up but still quiet about books and school. Je refused to talk about his family and i dont blame him. Im sat next to Harry in the cafeteria when a few of the more broads come strolling in to sit next to him. I let Harry know i'm leaving to do some business. I head straight to my locker when i see Marcel at his. Texting away on his phone. I look up at him and wave. He looks back at me then at the empty hall then waves and has a shy smile. I look back and rummage through my locker and pull out my phone. I look at him and once again he is texting. I send him a text.

Can i meet up with you somewhere? I need help on the AP project Mr. Smith left us.

I look at him and he looks up at me and shy smiles again. Oh jeez.

Yeah, i guess. What time? Is Harry okay with this? Does he know?

I furrow my brows in frustration and look at him from across the hall.

Harry doesn't know and i don't need his permission. Its not like we're going to do anything, just a friendly get together to help me with this damn project. Be at my house at 6.

I type up directions to my house and proceed to slam my locker shut and walk away from the hall to avoid weird tension. Those questions weren't necessary, he knows that i only need help. Is he suggesting that I'm unfaithful to Harry? Don't over think this. Don't over think this. I repeat the simple mantra as i make my way to class.


Im outside

I make my way downstairs quickly and open the door to find a soaking wet Marcel.

"Hey, come in." I move out of the way and shut the door.

"So, how's the rain." I ask trying to be funny but he doesn't seem interested. I turn away from him as i lead him up the stairs to my bedroom.

"You can sit anywhere you like." I offer to take his soaked sweater but he refuses. What is up with him?

"Thank you." he said looking around my tiny bedroom.

"I see you draw..." he says in an interested tone. His eyes are locked on my opened sketch book, laying on my bed. He draws?

"Oh, well yeah, well you're the first person to see through it. I usually hide it when Harry comes over. He doesnt find it interesting as much as I do." I sit at my desk and watch him look through my sketch book.

"Forget what he says, your drawings are amazing Georgia." I cant help but smile and blush. I look back up at Marcel who was still admiring my drawings.

"So this project.." I say cutting to the chase.

"Oh yeah, sorry i was getting carried away."

"Do you draw too?.."

"Um no, i don't, but i appreciate art and what it does for people."

Wow, deep much?

"Oh," i sigh, "What does it do for you?"

He hesitates, "Helps.. uh, it helps me cope."

Cope? Cope with? Im getting to personal with him i need to do this stupid project and get him out before it gets late.

"So, show me your paper so far."


We have been sitting and discussing this project for about an hour now and i've lost him. He slides his hand up to complete a diagram on the poster board when his sleeves slightly rolls up and exposes some ink. Holy shit he has a tattoo. I couldn't help but grab his wrist and roll it up further. I gasp, i never expected this from him, the illustrations covering his arm are beautiful even. He quickly snatches his arm away from me and rolls his sleeve down.

"Marcel, I-"

"You saw nothing."

"No they're-"

"Please stop, don't say anything please, not to anyone. Not even Harry. My family doesn't know. You. Saw. Nothing." Im speechless from his harsh tone. He doesn't usually speak with such anger or even speak so loudly at all. Jesus, this is weird. How did he get tattoos? He starts to collect his stuff and pile it into his bag. He stands up in a rush and walks out of my bedroom. All i can do is just sit there in shock as i hear him rush down the stairs and towards the door. It opens and slams. He leaves sitting here alone in my house with the rain pelting outside. This guy is so mysterious and it isn't fun at all.

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