Chapter 24

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Lily-may P.O.V


I wake up in the morning. I glance at the clock on the wall 10am.

Wow I had a good sleep.

I decide to get up after all I need to feed two people.

As I walk towards the kitchen I can hear laughter and chatting.

I stand close enough so I can eavesdrop.

"Omg that was funny" I hear one of the boys say.

"We should go to the beach today? It's nice and hot" Louis says.

"We can't. Remember. Lily-may she is pregnant and showing a bump so we can't" I hear rhyan says.

"We could i don't know. We need to get out though" Harry says.

My stomach sinks.

They want to go out but can't because of me.

I go to walk back to my room but accidentally bump into the flower pot.

"Lil?" Harry says.

"Um hey hi I um accidentally ran into this when I was going to the kitchen" I say.

"Clumsy aren't you?" Harry says laughing.

We both head to the kitchen where I'm greeted with 'hellos' and 'good mornings'.

"So guy what are we doing today?" Liam ask.

"Well Niall and Louis want to go to the beach" Zayn says.

"Remember we can't because of lily" Louis says.

"No guys you all go. I'm going to stay home. I don't feel that well" I say.

I would love to go to the beach but I can't. I don't want them to miss out.

"We aren't leaving you behind" Harry says.

"I guess we could go to the beach. When are we leaving?"

"Now" Liam says.

We all look at each other and race to our rooms to get ready.

I put on my blue bikini and black board shorts. I walk towards the full length mirror.

I look at my belly. Everyone will know I'm pregnant.

I'm 5months.

I walk over to the calendar on the wall. I look at all the dates.

Omg I almost forgot my birthday it's in 2weeks.

*knock knock knock*

I look over at the door.

"Come in" I say.

"It's harry"

"Oh hi"

"What's wrong?"

"Everyone is going to see my stomach. They are going to judge me"

"It's ok if you don't want to go to the beach"

"No lets go" I says.

I grab my bags and head out the door with Harry following.

*1 week later*

Everyday it's the same routine.

I wake up. The boys go to the studio or a signing.

Rhyan went home yesterday. He said he would visit again on my birthday which is in a week.

But I stay home all day waiting for the boys. I'm sick of it. I want to go out and explore but the boys won't let me.

Today I don't care what they say. I'm leaving the house.

I say goodbye to the boys. I wait an hour for them to leave before deciding to go out.

I head to the mall that is close enough to walk to. Even though I don't have money i still love looking at these clothes.

I have been shopping for at least an hour.

I walk out of forever 21 but accidentally bump into a person.

I look up to apologise but before I do I look to see who it is and freeze.

"Lily?" Nick asks.

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