Chapter 34

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After the appointment I walk towards a park that I notice is not far from Rhyans house.

I really need to talk to him.

I want to tell him how the doctors went.

But should I?

What is his girlfriend is there.

What should I do?

I decide to walk to his house before it starts to rain again.

Knock knock knock

"Um hi?"

"Hi is rhyan here?"

"Oh where you the one that rang before?"

I blush in embarrassment

"Yes it was"

"He just went out. He will be back soon you are welcome to wait"

"Oh can I please?"

"Yes come in"

"Do you live with rhyan?"

"Um yes we have been together for a couple of weeks and my family are away for 2 weeks so I'm staying with him"

"Oh cool"

"How do you know rhyan?"

"I am close to him"

"Oh cool"

"So how did you meet rhyan?"

I know I shouldn't be asking this but I am just curious.

I mean she is beautiful. He brunette hair flows nicely down and she has minimal make up on and she seems sweet and genuine I know why rhyan would choose her.

"Well he was walking into school and well as cliche as it sounds we bumped into each other and I landed onto him and we just clicked. He mention how he has been helping his friend that is pregnant and I think it's so sweet of him"

"Yeah he is really helpful" I say putting my hand on my stomach.

I forget about what she just said an look at my belly and smile.

I look up at savannah and see she just witnessed me do that. I mentally face palm. She know will know I'm that friend.

"Are you that friend he is helping?'

"Um yes sorry he is. I should go" I say

"No no stay you obviously need his help"

"How many weeks are you may I ask?"

"I'm almost 28weeks"

"Cool what are you having?"

I shrug I don't know and I don't plan on knowing yet. I hope rhyan comes soon this is just so painful to do just talking to his girlfriend.

"So sorry if I'm being nosy but um who is the father?"

What do I say ?

I'm panicking inside I don't know what to say.

"Um the um I um the um the the father is the father is...."

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