Chapter 31

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We arrived at a restaurant. I hopped out. Following behind everyone.

"Come on slow poke" Harry calls out to me.

I blush and walk a bit faster.

Once in the restaurant I get startled by a big 'SURPRISE'

"Oh my gosh" I say.

Maddi is here, all my friends are here and the boys are here. My brother is here. But.

My mother is not.

I begin to get teary. I turn around and begin to walk out the door. I can't do this.

"Lil, stop, please" I hear maddi yell.

I stop and turn around. I can't ignore her. She is always there for me.

I wait until she gets closer to me when I run into her and hug her. I miss her so much.

"Hey it's alright. Why did you run away?" She asks.

"It's perfect today. I got to see swan lake with Harry. He asked me out tomorrow night. The party is awesome. But my mum isn't here. I need her maddi. I miss her so much. It just isn't fair" I cry out. Trying my best to say each word correctly.

"Shhh it's alright. Lets go and get you cleaned up and go back to the party. Just wait until you see the cake. Hehe"

"Haha thanks maddi. Your the best. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while"

"It's alright I understand"

*3 hours later*

The party is awesome. The cake was amazing. It was a three tier cake with a pointe shoe on the top. It was awesome.

"Lily can you follow me. I have one more surprise" nick says.

"Nick did you organise this day?"

He nods.

"I had a little help"

"Thanks so much so where to now? I ask.

We hop into the car and begin to drive. I notice where we are. I know this place. I can't believe he did this for me.

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