If You Want To Communicate

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A bunch of you talk to me on a somewhat daily basis (or nightly, if you're AirbourneAlpaca )

Here's a handy guide to why I'm doing what I'm doing in text conversations!

Not replying: there's a couple of reasons for this. It might be because I don't know how to continue, or because I'm upset, but it's usually nothing like that. Most likely- I'm either doing something and forgot to reply, or I had my phone confiscated.

Saying random crap: I feel really uncomfortable when people fight. However, in a bunch of group texts, this has been one hell of a problem. One time my friends got mad at me because I literally tried to start telling them a story when they were angry at each other.

Saying sorry a lot: whenever I feel like the conversation isn't going too well, the inner Canadian inside of me comes out, and I will say sorry over and over again. I'm not kidding.

Try meeeeeeee

Laughing at YouTube videos: I'm really sorry, and I'm a terrible person in this regard. If you send me a video, there is most likely an 85% chance that I will not end up watching it. I just don't like watching stuff people send me. I'm really sorry- it's a strange thing, really.

However, in order to cover up the fact that I have no idea what the hell the video is about, I kind of make some laughing noises and/or wait for you to change the subject.


Blowing up your phone at 3 a.m.: sometimes, I get pretty lonely, and that's when I get sad. This is conveniently the time when the majority of you are asleep. This means that I'll start group texts of everyone I know to try and get someone to respond.

I am a bad human.

Intense caps lock: sometimes I've just got no idea what I'm doing but I pray that sounding rEALLY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT IT will get you to notice me.

Also, a lot of apps don't have italics and stuff.

Acting really strange: this normally happens when you use punctuation when you normally don't.

It scares me.


Well, if you've accepted these terms and conditions, you can always PM me, and if we get closer I shall provide other stuff.

Yep, that's it.

To everyone reading this-

Sorry for being a terrible online friend :))))

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