Chapter 25: Rise

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Luna paced back and forth constantly as the mechanics were at work fixing the crashed ship. Luna was eager to get back in the fight. Defeat was not something she would ever accept.

Suddenly, her mechanics were able to get the ship started. Everyone quickly got into the ship. The ship took off and they were now exiting the unknown planets atmosphere. However they still didn't know what part of space they were in. So, Luna decided she would broadcast a transmission across all channel to see I'd they can get help.

Luna began to speak into the comm unit. "This is Luna, leader of the resistance against Adrian and his armada. If you can read me please respond." She said into the comm unit. Nothing but silence. Luna had a feeling she would have to repeat herself over and over until there was help.

Meanwhile, back on Earth the battle continued in the city as other countries had now deployed their troops to help out with the war effort. It wasn't just America's allies however. It was also America's enemies, who realized that when America fell Adrian's army would come for them as well, that pitched in to help. Countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, North Korea, and Russia, had deployed their military to the city to help.

Suddenly, while Nightstorm and Kate were beginning to push back the enemy, The Rider attacked them, their Dragon blowing fireballs at them repeatedly. They were swept of their feet. Then, Inferno and Allison quickly came to their aid and provided them cover fire. Kate grabbed her Shock Rifle while Nightstorm grab his. Instead of killing Nightstorm and Kate, he turned his sights on a squad of Russian soldiers who were firing in his direction. Night storm and Kate and looked at each other and knew exactly what they had to do. They quickly sprinted toward his direction. By the time they got there he had already killed the entire squad of Russian soldiers. They opened fire and shot his dragon down out of the sky.

Next they rushed over to where the dragon fell. They moved over the dead dragon to see if The Rider had survived the fall. Something was wrong however. The body of The Rider was missing. Suddenly Kate seemed to be hit by an unstoppable force and sent flying and landing on her back. It was The Rider. Nightstorm, dropping his rifle, then threw a punch with his left hand but The Rider leaned back, dodging the punch and kicked Nightstorm in the face. The Rider then threw another kick but Nightstorm blocked it with his arm and punched him in the face with his other hand. They began continuously exchanging punches. Neither of them could seem to land a blow on each other.

Meanwhile Kate was finally getting back up on her feet. Her vision was quite fuzzy for awhile but then as her vision cleared up she could see the fight that was occurring between Nightstorm and The Dragon Rider. She slowly got back to her feet. She then took out her tactical knife and lashed out at The Dragon Rider with it. She managed to cut him in his chest. He quickly took out one of his swords and with it, he knocked the knife out of her hands. Nightstorm then kicked The Rider in the stomach pushing him back a couple of steps. He then dropped his sword, quickly picked Nightstorm up and slammed him to the ground. Kate then got him in a headlock. The Rider quickly slammed her to the ground. Kate quickly got to her feet. The Rider threw a kick but Kate grabbed his leg and pushed him back, almost knocking him off balance. By this time Nightstorm had gotten back on his feet. His back still aching from the impact of his back hitting the concrete road. He looked straight at The Rider who was engaged in battle with Kate. He then charged at him at full speed. Kate had saw this on time and moved out the way. Nightstorm tackled The Dragon Rider and began pounding on him with both his fists. When he finished he then got off of him. Kate picked up her shock rifle from the ground. "We have to get moving and somehow bring that ship down." Kate said. Nightstorm nodded in agreement.

Suddenly Jack's voice came through comms. "Hey guys, um I'm getting a transmission from an unknown source." Jack said. Nightstorm and Kate looked at each other. "Patch it through." Nightstorm said. Jack then relayed the signal to their comm unit. There was a lot of static so they could barely make out what was being said. "This is Luna...resistance... Adrian... His armada... if you can read me please respond." The transmission then ended.

Kate was puzzled. Who was Luna? Kate contacted Allison. "Allison, does the name Luna ring a bell to you?" Kate asked. Moments later she got a response. "Yeah she's the leader of the resistance on Starlight, I fought alongside her when me and Karma went to raid a Dark Rider base of operations. Why?" Allison asked. "She's broadcasting a distress signal across all channels." Kate said.

Allison was puzzled for a moment. How would a distress signal from Starlight reach all the way to Earth? Then the thought hit her. They were close. Really close. They were in the same solar system as they were and close by to Earth. "Luna, this is Allison we can't provide help for you because Adrian has committed all his troops to planet Earth." Allison said into her comm unit, trying to get across to Luna. After awhile Luna responded back. "Allison, thank goodness, we have a couple of wounded soldiers and some soldiers that are uninjured. If Adrian has committed his men down there we'll be glad to provide assistance. Give us your coordinates." Luna said. "34-24-36." Allison said.

Allison decided she would notify Kate and Nightstorm of their arrival. "Kate, I gave her and the resistance our coordinates they'll be arriving here to provide reinforcements." Allison said through comms. Kate and Nightstorm prepared to move. Reinforcements may be coming but that didn't mean that they should stick around and wait.

Authors Note
Hey guys sorry it took me awhile to update it's just that I have school and I've been very busy. BE PATIENT with me, my updates WILL be a bit slow. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did comment below exactly what you liked about this story and whether or not I should write a fourth book.

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