Chapter 21: Urban Warfare

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Kate watched as the evacuation efforts progressed smoothly. Pretty soon the city will look like a ghost town. People were being asked to leave their homes immediately. All flights were now being directed to go to Hawaii. She watched from behind the giant screen in the command center as people were being escorted to different flights going to the same place.

Suddenly Nightstorm walked inside the command center. "Are you ready?" Nightstorm asked. Kate turned to look at Nightstorm. She put on her helmet and nodded her head. She then followed Nightstorm to the hangar bay. She grabbed a pistol and put it in her holster.

In the hangar bay, all the riders were armed and ready to go. They were on their motorcycles and ready to go. Deadbolt was on his chopper armed with his two battleaxes and a light machine gun. Deep inside Kate knew that there was a small possibility that they would make it out of this alive. It was now or never. She knew that there was no looking back, only forward.

Suddenly everyone was silent and listening closely to the comm channels. "This is Ben, the city has been evacuated. Standby, my men will be the first to respond to the attack. Await my signal, ." Ben said through comms. "Copy, awaiting your go." Nightstorm replied. The room fell silent.

Meanwhile in space, Adrian and his fleet were arriving within Earth's atmosphere. "Well my silent friend, today marks a victory over Earth and its allies. Cherish this moment because a world of riches awaits you after." Adrian said to The Rider as they began to travel within their atmosphere. He simply nodded as he gripped his two swords tightly. He knew what he had to do Adrian informed him of it. Kill the girl.

Back on Earth Ben and his soldiers were positioned in a tall abandoned building waiting for Adrian and his army to arrive. Ben grabbed his radio and contacted the USS Destroyer which was in positioned only 100 meters within the city's shore. Not only was it equipped with powerful cannons that could fire shots within 500 feet, but it also had several F-16's on deck ready to be deployed.

"Do you have a visual on the skies?"
Ben asked. "This is Captain John Mcgarret of the USS Destroyer we have a visual over." The captain of the ship replied. Next Ben took a flashlight and flashed a light at a tall building opposite of the one he was positioned with some of his men. There was a brief pause. Then moments later a light was flashed in response. He put away the flashlight.

After that he checked if the Navy Seals had made their way to the rendezvous point below a nearby bridge. They were to remained hidden underwater until given the order. "Alpha are you at the rendezvous point?" He said into the radio. He was feeling anxious. He needed this to work or else there was no way in hell anybody would make it out of this alive.

Then he got a response from Commander Derek Garcia of the SEAL team. "This is Commander Garcia, we're in position." He said into his earpiece. Ben felt a sense of relief. Everyone was in position with the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne Division on standby. Now all he had to do was wait. Patiently.

Suddenly, emerging from the clouds was a large space cruiser. With countless other smaller ships following behind it. The moment Ben looked to the sky, he knew, Adrian wasn't holding anything back. He brought with him an entire fleet.

Seeing this however didn't change anything. He would proceed with the plan. "Captain Mcgarret do you have eyes on that spacecraft?" Ben said into his radio. "I see it." John said. Ben could tell by the tone of his voice that he was just a little bit afraid. "Fire your cannons at the one in front of the fleet." Ben told him. Considering that it was the largest Ben had to assume that this was the one that Adrian was inside of. A shot was fired right at that ship. It did some damage.

Next several F-16's were deployed. They began to fire multiple shots at the Dark Riders ships. Their ships cannons began firing back only hitting one or two but missing the others. Ben all of a sudden felt a little confident in his plan. Maybe they would be able to stop them in the skies before the battle got to the ground.

Suddenly, Adrian seemed to deploy something of his own to even out the odds. It was The Rider riding on his Dragon out of the ship. He began pursuing the fighter jets. One by one his Dragon tore them apart.

Then, several other F-16's were deployed. They began firing missiles at The Rider. Riding on his Dragon, he quickly dodged them. Then the Dragon drew a breath and flashed emerged from his mouth. All incoming fighter jets were destroyed.

Suddenly a swarm of Dark Riders had jumped out of their ships and began to attack. As soon as they landed on the ground, Ben and his team began to open fire from the buildings. There was a heavy shower of gunfire raining down on them from above on opposite sides. The Dark Riders began firing toward in the direction of the attack but could not seem to find the source of the shots fired at them. Then many more began jumping from the ships. "We're going to need the marines." Ben said.

Suddenly several Ospreys began arrived. There were so many it was like the aircraft were inhabiting the skies. Then, with his very own eyes he witnessed thousands of US Marines jump out of the planes and parachuting down. Many of them were shot out of the sky. Gunfire flew back and forth as marines and Dark Riders engaged each other in all out warfare. Ben and his team loaded their weapons. He signaled to his fellow team members to get ready to parachute down. "Let's go boys!" Ben said as he and his fellow team members jumped down from the enormous building.

On their way down they opened up their parachutes and landed softly. They exchanged gunfire with the Dark Riders. Ben and some of his men took cover behind a downed ambulance. Suddenly, he saw several Dark Riders on their motorcycles crossing the bridge with weapons in their hands. "Commander that's your que shut em down." Ben said into his earpiece. Suddenly Derek Garcia and his team emerged from the water with guns in hand and opened fire on the Dark Riders, who were shot and killed. Knowing their position was now compromised they got into dry land and jumped in the fight.

By now the city had been turned into a large war zone. The skies were filled with fighter jets and enemy spacecraft. The ground fight didn't look so peaceful either. It was filled with bullets, soldiers, and Dark Riders. Ben could see that he was faced with a powerful force. One that he needed to beat so that the country he loved so dearly could be safe. The only question was, would he be able to survive in this barbaric fight?

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