Far From Now [Pt. 1 Finished]

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A/N: So, this is a finished version of that one-shot, which I decided to make a two parter. Oh, and I will once again point out to you guys that nothing that happens in this one-shot is necessarily the future of my stories, it's simply the fun I was having while musing over possible children of different ships. Oh, and as for the eight-year-old... it's mentioned that Boruto the movie takes place fifteen years after the forth shinobi war. Which means that Boruto and the bunch were born about three/four years after the war. *did her math*

Hope you enjoy! About half of this is from before, the rest is new! Oh, and I changed one bit at the beginning, so it might be worth rereading that.

"Didn't your Pops take that away from you?"

A startled squeak escaped her lips, the book slipping from her hands. Within seconds- however- the silver-haired girl had wheeled on the boy in question, onyx eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Hitoshi, dammit, how many times have I told you not to do that!"

He simply snickered in response, resulting in the girl locking her jaw as she dropped one hand down to her side. His snickers stopped abruptly, a sheepish expression forming on his face, although he never dropped his hands from where they were tucked behind his shaggy blonde hair.

"Oh, c'mon, Mi-chan, lighten up a bit! Didn't realize you were that oblivious, ya know?"

As she opened her mouth to snap a response, Hitoshi finally dropped his hands from behind his neck, if only so he could snap his fingers.

"That's right! I was supposed to be congratulating you! Great job joining up with us older folk!"

For a moment, she eyed him with something akin to suspicion. When he simply beamed in response, she sighed and shifted as to turn her eyes back to the book she'd been reading.

"We're in the same class. I'm only a year younger than you, Hitoshi. " she replied shortly. "The exam was easy. If you applied yourself, you'd have no problem with graduating."

He blinked, then sighed dramatically.

"Mi-chan, didn't you notice?" Hitoshi asked, raising one hand to tap his forehead protector. "I graduated, too."


"You could act a bit more excited than that! Have a bit more faith," Hitoshi complained. "C'mon, Mi-chan!"

"What were you expecting, Hi-kun? It is Misaka."

Her lips turning down in a frown, Misaka raised her head then to see the amused gaze of a girl settled a few levels down in the classroom. As her dark eyes met the crimson ones of the speaker, the black-haired girl simply shrugged as if the words hadn't been a bit harsh. Rather, she put an easy-going smile on her lips as she looked to Hitoshi.

"Although, honestly, she has a point. It's a bit of a surprise that you graduated at all, Hi-kun."

The boy slumped, putting his hands questioningly in the air.

"How come no one has faith in me?" he wondered, a mock, self-pitying tone in his voice. "I'm amazing, ya know? Just fantastic."

"Lazy," Misaka added, once again dropping her eyes to her book.

"Overconfident," the other girl agreed.


Just as he opened his mouth to protest their harsh judgements, the door to the classroom burst open. A dozen sets of eyes turned to look for their sensei, only to turn away when a familiar, red-headed boy appeared in the opening.

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