The Watch [SKP- Kyaira]

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Frowning, I studied his closed door for a moment. I hesitated while studying it, trying to make up my mind. If he didn’t answer, that meant it wasn’t possible for him to be indecent or anything like that, Kyoya would have immediately responded if that was the case. Which meant it should be fine if I opened his door without waiting for him to say anything.

Decision made, I slipped it open and peeked inside, fully aware of the fact that he might not appreciate my looking in uninvited. Then again, knowing Kyoya there was also the chance he’d brush it off with some double meaning comment that I may or may not catch the second meaning of. It seemed to amuse him when I didn’t.

Instead of what I’d been expecting, however, I spotted the soon-to-be eighteen year-old sprawled out on his couch, one hand laid over his face. For a moment I was surprised enough to just continue standing half-way in the door. My senses came to a second later and I stepped inside, closing the door behind me.


The hand over his face moved slightly, but beyond that he didn’t stir.

Is he asleep?

Approaching the couch cautiously, I studied Kyoya curiously. When he didn’t move at all, I squatted down next to the couch so that I could see under the hand to his eyes, which I discovered to be closed. A quick glance at the table next to the couch told me where the glasses I almost never saw him without had been placed. You’d think someone with as expensive and large of a bed as he had would be able to make the two minute walk from his couch to the bed part of his room.

I had to admit, however, that his decision not to had given me a priceless chance. Standing back up, I regarded him with a happy smile. I could never actually get that close to him when he was awake without having some excuse, be it escaping nightmares or posing for some high ranking business partner and even then it didn’t come without a certain level of nervousness. With him being asleep, however, I could only feel curious. Leaning in closer, I watched him for a moment before suddenly getting the urge to brush his hair away from his face.

At first I resisted it, not wanting to chance waking him up. However, the longer I watched him the more curious I became. Was his hair as silky as it looked? Maybe it was soft, or perhaps even surprisingly corse. Biting my lip, I reached a shaky hand out to brush back his bangs.

I barely kept myself from crying out when the hand over Kyoya’s eyes gripped my wrist. A near-heart attack later I found myself staring into the eyes of someone that was obviously wide awake and highly amused.

“Enjoying the view?” he questioned.

“Th-that’s… you… why would you…” I sputtered. “Kyoya!”

He chuckled, shifting into sitting position, all-the-while not releasing my wrist. I simply scowled at him.

“Hey, don’t look like that,” he replied, amused. “You’re the one who interrupted my attempt at a nap.”

“You wouldn’t need to nap if you didn’t stay up all hours of the night,” I retorted. “You fell asleep at what, four a.m.?”

Kyoya pursed his lips, that amusement in his expression not completely disappearing.


“Oh, an hour earlier than last time. Impressive,” I scoffed.

“You really are spending too much time around the twins,” he commented in response, reaching for his glasses with the hand that wasn’t holding mine. “Well?”

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