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I will try my best to keep you up to date on e characters, so do not get nervous with all the new ones.  I hope you enjoy the lead up to this, third and final story in the Dark Trilogy.  Enjoy!  (Comment if you feel the need.  I do read everyone of them and I try my best to answer them, unless it is going to give away the plot.  Then you will hear crickets from me.  ;). Thank you so much for taking the time to read my stories.)


It feels like forever since the world went silent.  It has been eighteen years now, and in those years, we have lived a lifetime.  There is a whole new generation of Academy now.  My own family makes up a good portion of our little community.  But that is to be expected when I have nine husbands.  Once we had a child on the way, we all agreed that the children would carry their father's last name as their middle name and we all took the last name, Sorenson.

I could never have denied any of my men a child of their own.  The only one that kept telling me they didn't think they wanted any children, was North.  But, before he made the permanent choice to get a snip-snip, he changed his mind.  Hence, why he has the baby of the family.

You might wonder how we went about making sure each of my men only fathered one child?  (Or should I say, one pregnancy.). The rule we made as a family: once your child is born, you get fixed.  With Sean and Phil here in our camp, we have modern medicine options.  And ways to test the children for paternity. 

My family is as follows:
Aspen Green 18
Colt Coleman 17
Avalon Blackbourne 16
Darwin Lee and Edison Lee 15, they are identical twins
Maxim Korba 13
Yale Taylor and Rave Taylor 12, also identical twins
Ulric Griffin 10
Lark Morgan 9
Everly Taylor 8

Yep, you counted correctly, we have eleven very active children.  And we couldn't be happier.

Phil and Eleanor are the only older couple still with us.  The other three older couples have all passed away.  Everyone was shook up when Nancy left this life just two years ago.  But the biggest surprise was how hard Owen took her death.  Over the years they had become almost like mother and son, or maybe, perverted aunt and reserved nephew, is more like it.  Nancy was good for Owen though.  She knew how to push his buttons, yet she also knew when to back off.  She will be greatly missed.

Makayla left the compound with Bradley and his team one year after the world went silent.  They felt they would be of better use with some of the other Academy shelters.  We haven't seen them since.

Those that are still here with the children they gave birth to, are:
Mindy and Kevin
Marcus 18
Linus 16

Blaze and Tenley (they like the letter P)
Paxton 19
Paisley 18
Phoenix 16
Piper 14

Cannon and Star (kept in harmony with nature)
Skye 19
Talon 16

Boston and Rayne (twin names)
Xavier and Xander 18 twins
Blakely and Berkley 15 twins (When they had twins, twice in a row, Rayne told Boston to get snipped or she would do it in his sleep herself.)

Ryder and Willow (like cities for names)
London 19
Denver 17
Paris 15

Nash and Echo (Old English names)
Sloan 18
Hadley 16
Bristol 14
Meadow 12
Archer 10

Thayne and Breezy (stuck with the letter F)
Farah 18
Forest 15
Finn 12

Vivian ended up marrying the McClain team when they found out she was pregnant with a baby.  They embraced the sharing is caring rule quite easily.  Their children are:
Jaxon 18 (Oscar)
Sparrow 17 (Hawk)
Hope 15 (Tristan)
Gauge 14 (Diesel)

And after much therapy and coaxing, Kiera finally got past her attack and the resulting trauma, and she married the Toma team.  It took them a while, but now they all have children of their own too.  They are:

Declan 15 (Axel)
Kylee 14 (Brandon)
Chance and Bodie 12 (Corey thought it would be fun for his twins to have the same first initials as he and Brandon, dork!)
Nakita 11 (Raven)
Beckett  9 (Marc)

And I have a feeling that now that our oldest children have reached adulthood, we have another chapter of our lives waiting to blossom.  None of us feel like we are old enough, we are all only 36-39 years old, to be moving toward another chapter, with possible weddings and grandkids, but with the teenage hormones and drama that has been going on... That future is looking more like our reality.

Welcome to my world, After Dark.

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