M is for Making the Fun

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***This is a picture of Corey's twins Chance and Bodie.  They are 12.

M is for Making the Fun

Ulric's POV (Nathan's son)

(From just before the dance, for the younger kids)

The last couple of days have been intense with Mr. B.  He has challenged me intellectually, physically, and he has taught me how to control my temper.  Although, controlling my temper is still a work in progress.  The demand from Mr. B was great upon me, but I pushed through and survived.

Earlier today, Daddy O, yes...I said that right, because we are now discussing personal family business.  Daddy O told me that with the big dance being tonight, I would be the man of the house, since Maksim was going to the dance.  Daddy O explained that my four sisters were my responsibility.  And that I am to treat the other girls at the party the way I want the rest of the boys to treat my sisters.

Daddy L, Daddy G, Mom and Daddy No will be in the house for our party, but some of the time we would be left to play the games without the adults around.  I had to help set out crafting supplies in the kitchen.  Daddy G insisted that all of this "girly froo-froo stuff" is, in fact, important and that I should "man up and embrace the glitter".  I'm not really sure if those two statements, 'man up' and 'embrace the glitter' really belong in the same sentence.  I'll have to ask my Dad later.  Because when I looked to Daddy No for clarification, he shrugged and said, "I've learned not to ask."

I helped carry in wooden circles cut out of some kind of lightweight wood, just larger than a dinner plate, from the workshop out back.  "What are these for?"  My curiosity spiking as I set the circles on the table.

Daddy L hooked my neck with his arm and gave my head a nuggie.  "Patience.  If I told you now, I'd have to kill you."  But I know he didn't mean it because he was laughing.

"Where do you want me to put the hammer and furniture tacks?"  Daddy No demanded with a grunt.  Daddy G didn't even flinch.

"On the counter.  You have the shooters, too?"  Daddy G directed.

My head pinged back and forth between Daddy No and Daddy G like I was watching a ping-pong match.

"Raven's bringing them when he brings Chance, Bodie, Nakita and Beckett over."  Daddy No actually looked excited, which makes me worried, just a tinge.

"Luke, are the snacks ready?"  I glanced at Daddy L, who was wiping the crumbs of a cookie off his lips.  And he might have just swallowed that cookie whole.

Daddy L made a coughing/choking sounds before he answered.  "Doing that now.  I've got five different types of cookies, chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, and cut up fruit because North says everything can't be pure sugar."

"And the popcorn bar for later?"  Daddy G queried.

"Not making the popcorn until it is time, but I already have the toppings set up in the rec room."  Daddy L confirmed.

Daddy No questioned, "Do we really trust little kids to use the appropriate amount of salt and butter on their popcorn?"

"Let them be kids for one night, North!"  Luke flapped his hands in frustration.  "It's not like they have Hershey bars, Hubba-Bubba gum and gummy worms.  These kids have only experienced the desserts I make at the diner."   Daddy L got a silly look on his face as he stared at a spot on the wall.  I couldn't figure out what it was exactly he was looking at, nor will I know, because Daddy No shoved Daddy L.

"Stop fantasizing about gummy worms, Luke!"

"I can't believe I didn't have a year's supply candy stashed away for the end of the world.  Even with Nathan always spewing nonsense about an end of world Zombie Apocalypse, it never dawned on me to have a hoard of candy stashed away.  It has been toooooooo long since I had gummy worms and skittles and starbursts and... And... M&M's!!"  Daddy L whined.

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