E is for Edison

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I had gone way too long without an update to this story, so you get two today.  I can't write about one twin and not write about the other.  They are double the fun!  And they like twins, so quadruple the fun, really!  Edison is in the solid shirt.

E is for Edison

Sang's POV

It was as if an atomic bomb has gone off inside the house tonight.  Here I was, finishing the cookies with my youngest two, Lark and Everly, when Meanie and North Star storm in the house yelling for Colt.


"You have one minutes to get your fu...freaking a...butt down here!"

Nathan and Owen were right behind them trying to restrain their tempers but they both looked exhausted from a heavy workout.

"Keep it down, before you say things we would prefer our littlest of ears not hear."  Owen chastised.

"Zip it, you two."  Nathan grumped.

My two oldest daughters skipped in the house, oblivious to the storm brewing in the living room, arm and arm, giggling and squealing over something that has them both twitterpated.  I can't help but smile at those two.  They are so much like their fathers.  Opposites that are best friends.  They complement each other's strengths and make up for the other's weaknesses.  Just like Owen and Sean.  Besties for life.  The girls head upstairs without a glance back.

It is never a dull moment in the Sorenson household, that's for sure!  "Lark, why don't you and Everly go find Ulric.  Maybe he can play a game with you for a bit."  I handed them each two cookies and shooed them up the stairs.  I don't need my precious angels hearing their foul mouthed fathers when they are worked up about something, or it sounds like someone.  Speaking of that someone, where is Colt?

I cleared my throat and in a perfect motherly, better not even dare think to mess with me, way, I called out, "Colt Coleman Sorenson.  This is your mother speaking.  You will make yourself known in 10...9...8."  That was all it took.  I could hear his thundering footsteps crossing the upstairs before I saw him barrel down the stairs two at a time.

"Yeah Mom?  What did I do?"  He kissed my cheek and had a very confused look on his face.  Now I was confused.  Usually, our children know why they are in trouble and have remorse written clear as day on their faces.

I could hear North take in a deep breath ready to bellow for all of South Carolina to hear what he is about to yell, but I put my hand up in a stopping motion.  His chest deflated like a balloon, making a noise as the air whooshed from his lungs.

"First of all, we need to sit down.  Second of all, how many people need to be involved in this discussion?"  I asked.

Gabriel spoke up, "From my part of this discussion, we need our son, Colt, and yourself, Trouble.  But once you hear what I am about to say, you might also want Owen and North present."  He smirked at our son, who visibly swallowed a gulp, making his Adam's apple bob nervously.  Colt took hold of my hand and sat on the couch, pulling me next to him like I could shield him from his fathers.

I sat down, pat his leg, and kissed his cheek.  I was trying to reassure him that all will be fine.  At the same time, I was letting my men know that I am his mother and no one messes with a mamma bear's cub.  My men nodded at me.  Nathan excused himself to go find the younger kids and keep them out of the way, while Owen, North and Gabriel sat on the couch opposite us.

"Gabriel, how about you begin, so Colt knows what he is in trouble for."  Colt's fingers tightened on my hand he was holding.  "Let me remind you to keep calm and use real words, not profanity."

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