M is for Maksim

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A/N: Here is update to story #2 for today.  Just two more to go.  Can I do it?  YES I CAN!  (Just channeling my inner Bob the Builder there.)

M is for Maksim

Silas' POV

"Let's table this discussion until after family dinner and the kids are in bed."  Owen made a point to receive acknowledgement from everyone with a nod of their head before they left the room.  I put a stoic face on as I gave an up-nod, but on the inside I wanted to laugh so hard the house fell down.

"Whose night is it to help with dinner?"  Luke asked as he walked toward the kitchen, inspecting the magnetic board for names to help.  "Silas, Sang and Maksim...you're up!"

"Skatá nai! Ellinikí vradiá!"  (Fuck yeah!  Greek night!). North declared happily as I reached across to him for a fist bump.

"To xéreis, Daddy No!"  (You know it, Daddy No!). I chuckled at my boy, Maksim, as he bound into the kitchen. I love it when the kids call North Daddy No.  He brought it on himself.  For one, it is the shortened version of North.  But, for two, he was always telling Aspen, Colt and Avalon 'NO' and in their young baby brains, he became Daddy No.

Maksim is a good boy.  He is always eager to help in anyway possible.  And he lives up to his name.  Maksim means, 'the great".  He is only 13 but he is the same size as Kota's twins, at 15.  I guess he is going to take after his old man in the size department.  His future wife will thank me for passing on my size genes.

"Ti tha kánoume apópse?" (What shall we make tonight?"). I clapped him on the back and gave his shoulder a slight squeeze.

Maksim smiled up at me.  "Mmmm, how about Fassolatha (classic white bean soup), Domates Yemistes (stuffed tomatoes with rice and meat), and Tiropites (Phyllo cheese triangles) for the younger kids."

"Sounds good," I told him.  "You get started on the soup while I cook up the meat and rice to go in the Domates Yemistes, and ómorfi Aggele Mou (my beautiful angel), you can make the Tiropites."  I bent at the waist and planted a searing kiss on her lips, pulling her body flush against mine, where she was slightly bending backwards.  It was getting me all hot and bothered.  My body hardening instantly to her soft flesh yielding under my touch.

Before I could take my wife, right then and there, against the kitchen wall, our son broke the moment.  "MY EYES!  I AM TOO YOUNG TO SEE SUCH GRATUITOUS DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION!"  He covered his eyes over dramatically.

My eye narrowed at the interruption.  "One day son, just you wait!  You will try to have a moment like this with your wife, and I am going to côckblòck you.  Mark my words."

"Superman," Aggele whispered as she gently pat my bicep, "he is just a boy.  And I want him to stay that way for a little while longer."  Then in a louder voice where Maksim could hear, "You are right, Maksim.  We are sorry to cause such a scene.  But, in our defense, it is not inappropriate for you to see your mother and father kissing.  In fact, I would say, it forms a healthy understanding of how a man should treat his wife.  Would you rather see us fight, say mean things to one another, or even ignore each other?"

His face dropped a bit, "No mom.  I'm glad papa loves you.  I just don't want to watch that.  It's gross!  He had his tongue in your mouth."  He made a disgusted face and I laughed.

"Tha alláxei to myaló sas sto engÿs méllon." (You'll change your mind in the near future.)  he shook his head no and went back to making the soup.  I put my lips right on Aggele's ear and rumbled in my deep sexy voice, "Later."  At the same time I squeezed her ass and rubbed her belly against my hardened dîck.  She knows what she does to me, well to all of us, but we feel it is important she is reminded just how much she affects us.  We wouldn't ever want her to doubt her beauty. 

I remember after Aggele had given birth to Darwin and Edison, Sean called a special meeting for us men.  He pointed out that Sang had given birth to five children in four years and it was bound to make her feel less than desirable.  I guess she had made a comment about her body not bouncing back completely between pregnancies to Star, and Sean had overheard, so we agreed to allow her time to find herself again. 

We had regular exercise time as a family, we all took extra time to spend with the kids, giving Sang a break, and we didn't pressure her to have sex with us.  But what we didn't realize, was that backing off on pushing her for sex, was giving her the opposite response.  She thought we didn't want her in that way anymore.  Gabriel was the one to get it out of her that her feelings were being hurt, unintentionally.  From that day on, we constantly let her know, see, and feel how much we all desired her.  As Luke said, "If sex is what she wants...sex is what she'll get."  I, in no way, was going to deny ómorfi Aggele Mou.  I'd be an idiot to say No.

"Did I get the balance of spices right?"  Maksim asked.  Sang stepped over, took a spoon, and tasted the soup.  Her eyes rolled back in her head as she elicited a moan from the back of her throat that had my dîck springing up like a Jack-in-the-box.

"Damn, son!"  I groaned as I adjusted myself, "Sounds like you need to remember this recipe."

"Why?"  He asked with all innocence.

"For when you change your mind about girls, in the future.  But don't worry about that now, you still have plenty of time."

"You want me to change my mind about liking girls?"  His eyebrows pulled together.  "But, I don't like guys, Papa."  He whispered.

"Whoever you love is fine with me.  But, now that you mention it, do you think some girl is pretty?"  He blushed pink.  It is hard to see under his olive complexion, but it was there.  He does fancy some girl!  "Who is she?"  Maksim turned away from me to hide.  Sang winked at me and quietly left the room to give us some privacy.  I nudged him with my arm into his shoulder.  "Come on, you can tell your Papa.  Who is the lucky girl that has caught your attention?"

He took a deep breath, looked down at the counter and spoke.  "I kind of think Hope is pretty, with her tan skin and dark brown eyes."

"Tristan and Vivian's daughter?"  I was just clarifying.

"Yeah, but she doesn't seem to notice me.  Probably because I am just a little kid and she is a mature teenager."

"How old is she again?  I thought you two were close to the same age."

"She is 15.  So she gets to do all the older, teenager stuff, while I am just 13 and am too much of a baby to go to the dance and stuff."  He sounded so dejected.

"I'm sure she notices you.  And if you really want to go to the dance, I bet we can get approval from Daddy K.  He has to make the cut off age somewhere."

"I know.  But even if I wanted to go doesn't mean either girl would accept my invitation."

"Either girl?  Who else tickles your fancy?"

Maksim chuckled and blushed again, "Bristol.  She looks like a china doll.  With her porcelain skin, her crystal blue eyes and her fair brown hair."  He was zoning off into dreamland, like Luke always use to do as a teen.

"Bristol is older than you too, right?"

"Yeah, Bristol is 14."

"I see.  Well it sounds like you have options in front of you.  The exotic Hope, who has her father's Hispanic features.  Or the delicate Bristol, who looks just like her mother Echo.  Maybe we can ask Daddy K if you can go to the dance.  You can just go stag.  Then it leaves your night open to enjoy dancing with all the girls.  I bet they would notice you then.  And they wouldn't see you as a baby if you are dressed up, looking all dapper."

"You think Daddy K will let me?"

"I'll talk to him and let you know, okay?"

"Thanks Papa, you're the best!"  He gave me a hug but pulled away quickly, as if he decided it wasn't very cool or grownup if he was hugging his dad.

"Se agapó, Maksim."

"Se agapó, Papa."  He smiled that radiant smile.  Watch out you older girls.  My Maksim is about to knock your socks off.

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