A is for ...About You

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The above pic is Sparrow and her dress for the dance.

A is for ...About You

Colt's POV

I can't believe it is Friday already!  Sparrow has been so shy toward me all week, since I asked her to the dance.  Every time I try to make conversation, her head tips down and away from me and her cheeks show a tinge of pink.  I don't fucking understand why she is giving me that insecure girly shit!  I asked HER to the dance, not anyone else.  And this is the BIG dance.  ALL the guys know you only ask the girl you really like to this dance.  Why else would Paxton and Aspen be going together, or Avalon be going with both Xavier and Xander, or even Darwin and Edison going with Blakely and Berkley.  Because they like them!  Like them like them.

Sparrow is driving me bat shit crazy!  I want to pull my hair out.  She wouldn't even tell me what color her dress is.  I had to ask Daddy G.  He glared at me, grumbling under his breath about 'fucking communication', and threw a green tie at me.  "Wear this and don't fucking screw this shit up!"  I blinked a few times, surprised that he seemed so emotionally attached to my situation.  He took a deep breath and let it out on a sigh.  Dad grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into his side.  "Of all the girls in our camp, Sparrow is the best fit for you.  She is sweet, patient, beautiful, and has a heart of fucking gold... She reminds me a lot of your mother when I first met her.  And your mother made me a better man just for loving the shit out of her."  I nodded my head, having heard their story countless times.  "I just want you to have the happiest and best life possible, Colt."

"I know Dad.  And I do like Sparrow.  A lot.  But, it's as if she doesn't realize it or something."  I am so confused how she couldn't tell I fucking like her.

"Then tell her.  She isn't a fucking mind reader."  Daddy G said with a pleading look in his eyes.  I nodded and turned toward the closet to get my dress pants out.  "Now, I'm going to help your sisters with their makeup and hair, then I am going to put the finishing touches on Sparrow."  My head whipped around so fast I think I gave myself whiplash.  Why would Dad go help Sparrow, of all the girls, get ready for tonight?

"Your helping Sparrow get ready?"  My own voice sounded breathless and panicky.  Fuck!  What am I, twelve?

Dad laughed a maniacal laugh, "When I am through with her, you will have the worst case of blue balls in the history of the world!"  He kept laughing as he walked away from me down the hall.

I yelled after him, "Thanks a fucking lot!"

Daddy G called back, "What are Dad's for?"  And he continued to laugh like the maniac he truly is.  I wanted to punch him. 

I was looking at the Jade green tie in my hands, imagining Sparrow in this color, with her silky blonde hair and her radiant blue eyes, her pert breast and her tiny waist, and those long creamy legs that go on for eternity... I had to shake my head to clear the images that were forming since something else was forming a strain in my boxers.  Crap!  Baseball... Sweaty socks... Old people having sex.  That did the trick.  Nothing like imagining old people having sex to deflate my soldier.  I shuddered at the gross thought.

"Come on Dar... You look fine!"  Edison was pulling his twin away from the mirror in our shared bedroom.  "Colt, tell him he looks fine."  I finished tying my tie and looked over at my brother.

"Darwin, you look great man.  The twin B's are lucky to have you both interested in them."  They both grinned a lopsided goofy smile that was identical.  It made me laugh at my brothers.  To be fifteen again.  Young love is so intoxicating.

"Are you three coming or what?"  Maksim asked from the doorway.  "You're all acting like you are getting married or something.  It's just a dance."

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