Y is for Yale

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My apologies for how long it has been since I updated this story.  I finished the other two that were keeping me from this one, so that is good news. 

A quick recap on what is happening:  Aspen had to teach sex Ed to all the 12+ kids, Colt made Sparrow cry thinking she was not his first choice for a date, Avalon has the X twins after her, Darwin and Edison listened to Kota's advice and took it how they wanted to hear it.  Now they are ready for quadruple the fun!  And Maxim is in that awkward 13 year old phase.  Kissing is gross, but he thinks two older girls are pretty.  He wants to go to the dance and be a big kid, but the girls see him as one of the little kids.

Y is for Yale

Yale's POV. (Yale is in white on the left, these twins are Luke's mini cupcakes)

"What do you think they are discussing down there?" Rave asked Avalon as we sat here, on the bed, letting her and Aspen brush out our hair.

Avalon giggled, unlike the normal stuffy Daddy O side she usually presents, "There is a big dance coming up on Friday night for all the kids 14 and up.  Kind of an end of the school year celebration."

Aspen interrupted, finishing Avalon's thoughts just like Daddy S always does to Daddy O, "Yeah, and SOME of our siblings are causing drama.  The parents are working things out so they can look like a united front before they give any of us an edict."  The two girls shared a look and then they snorted with laughter.  I don't understand what was so funny.  But they weren't letting us in on the joke.

"Hey Rave," I nudged her with my elbow, "You think Daddy L will help us throw a party for the younger kids on Friday?"

Her eyes lit up, "If we ask him when he is alone, then yes.  Ooo, and then maybe we can get Daddy G to help us come up with games to play."

"Can we play Go Fish?"  Everly plead sweetly.  Who could say no to that face?  Daddy No would hurt anyone who dared to upset his 'Baby Girl'.

Lark smiled sweetly at our youngest sister.  "I'll play Go Fish with you, Everly."  Daddy V's influence of proper etiquette and decorum has truly passed on in Lark's genetics.  "But I think Rave and Yale were meaning bigger kid games, like Monopoly."  Avalon and Aspen fell onto the bed with laughter.  Tears were leaking out of their eyes.  Rave and I blushed while sharing a knowing smile.  We heard Colt talking to Darwin and Edison about a kissing game he use to play.  It would be nice to finally get my first kiss.

"I was thinking, more like... Spin the bottle?"  I tried to keep calm and not blush, but when Aspen gasped and looked right at me, my cheeks flamed to beet red.

"YALE!  Did you not listen to the school lesson I taught today?"  Aspen was instantly serious and in Doctor mode.  I rolled my eyes but Rave spoke.

"Oh, we listened alright."  Rave defended me.  "Spin the bottle can't be THAT big of a deal.  I thought it was only a kissing game?  And your lesson at school clearly explained that we CANNOT make a baby by JUST kissing!"  She too wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  Isn't it just a kiss?  I mean, we kiss our dads and mom all the time.  We even give our brothers a kiss when they are sad or we are really proud of them.  But a first kiss, a REAL kiss, with a boy that I am not related to... (Sigh).

"Did Yale just go into la-la land?"  Avalon snapped her fingers in front of my face.  I shook my head and focused back on my sisters.  Lark and Everly had screwed up mouths of disgust.  They clearly did not like the idea of playing a kissing game.  Rave had that dreamy look in her eyes, just like we always get.  But Aspen and Avalon had their no-nonsense masks on. 

Aspen took charge, "Whatever games you decide to play, need to be cleared by myself or Avalon.  You two are too young for some of the games Colt tells our brothers about."

Avalon completed the thought, "WE are too young for some of the games Cole tells our brothers about."  They both shook their heads, indulgent of Colt' antics.  "It's a wonder that brother of ours hasn't gotten someone pregnant."

"Or broken every heart in Camp."  Aspen teasingly finished the thought.  They both laughed as they seemed to share the same brain for a moment.

"How could Colt get pregnant?  I thought only mommies could have babies?"  Lark asked.

"Ooo, is mommy having a baby?"  Everly asked eagerly, bouncing on her knees on the bed. 

Aspen held her hands up to stop their questions, "No, Mom isn't having a baby, Everly.  And Lark, I think you need to go get Daddy V and Mommy, tomorrow, and the three of you can have a quiet discussion about where babies come from." 

Avalon snorted, "You might want to ask Daddy S to join the conversation.  He IS the doctor after all."

Aspen clapped her hands twice.  "Rave, Yale... Go get ready for bed.  Everly and Lark, you two sit here so we can braid your hair.  That way tomorrow you will have pretty waves in your hair."

"Yippee!  I want to look pretty, like a Princess!  Daddy No always calls me his Baby, but I'm NOT a baby anymore!"  Everly bounced in excitement and then made the cutest grumpy face as she professed her non-baby status.

"But I am the Pretty Princess!  Daddy V says so."  Lark defended her title.

I shook my head and giggled with Rave.  "I don't think they get it yet."

Rave was flabbergasted at the little girls.  "The dads are just calling them another version of what they call mom.  Like us being "Mini-cupcakes", it's not like Daddy L sees us as actual cupcakes!"  We both laughed at that thought as we went to get changed for bed.

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