Chapter 11: The People On Crack

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Chapter 11:The People On Crack

Kayla's POV

Complete silence. That's all I heard. I groaned loudly. WHY IS IT ALWAYS SO FUCKING QUIET??

"Ssshhh" said a lady at the desk. I turned around and glared at her. She glared right back. I decided to be polite and just flip her off.

She gasped loudly. "Ssshhh. People are trying to concentrate" I whispered. Ha bitch.

She looked at me appalled. Haha. That's a funny word. I sat in the back.

"Well that was pretty badass of you new girl". I looked to the right and saw a girl with dark brown hair and nice blue eyes. She had fair colored skin and was very pretty.

"Hi I'm Francesca. I'm guessing you're Kayla Rose?"

"...Um yes. How do you know me?" That's some pretty scary shit...

"Oh it's only everything that everyone has been talking about today. You've managed to make it to the top of the food chain in a matter of the first couple of periods." Why is that oddly not a surprise? Oh yeah, because that's any regular day in high school.

"These people are so dumb for spreading rumors around about you. You would think it's the spread of herpes or STD's from Talia."

"Who's Talia?" I hope she's not the school slut. I hope she's not the school slut... I can't deal with their shit this time.

"Oh she's our schools regular slut and whore. That bitch opens her legs to anything with male parts and a pulse. Sometimes even females." Great. Another one.

For the rest of the period, Franny (her nickname that she made for herself), told me all of the shitty and unrealistic rumors people have been saying about me. One that I really enjoyed was that someone said I had Ebola and I was trying to spread it to everyone here. Haha, these people and their dumbass imaginations.

Franny was actually really nice and was a lot of help. I liked her already, considering that I only liked a small group of people.

After the period, I went to my next class and fell asleep. I was too tired to insult anyone. I probably shouldn't have stayed up all night watching Quantico.

The bell rang and I immediately walked out of the class. FOOD!!!

I ran to the cafeteria (more like followed everyone since I didn't know where it was), and immediately got on line.

"Hi. What would you like?" I looked at the huge selection of food. It's beautiful (wipe off invisable tear).

"I would like pizza, fries and an Arizona please" I said politely. You always have to be polite to the people who give you food. You never know what they can do to it.

I took my food and gave the lady my money. "Hey Kayla!" I looked to the right and saw Britney waving me over to sit by her. Why does she always wave like a maniac?

I walked over and sat down. "Hi Franny. I didn't know you two crazy people were friends" I pointed to Brit and Fran.

"Oh yeah. We met at a 5SOS concert. We realised we had a lot of things in common and immediately fell in love." Fran and Britney looked at eachother and looked happy. They're IN LOVE. THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE IT AT ALL. WTF.

They looked at me and then at eachother and bursted out laughing. Umm...

"OMG. Y-you you should've s-seen your f-face" Fran said in between laughs.

"W-were n-not together at a-ll. We were just m-messing with y-you." I started laughing with them.

"Yeah. I'm not about that life. I like dick. I love Fran. But not like that."

Fran laughing stopped. "What's wrong with me?" she said with a sad puppy eyed look on her face.

"Nothing bitch." Brit pulled her into a hug. "We like tuna torpedos. Not piss flaps."

"Anyways, I would like you to meet the whole gang." Britney moved over and I noticed about ten other girls sitting at the table trying to stiffle a laugh. They all gave up and started cracking up.

I turned to Brit and Fran and asked the question I have been thinking since I first met them. "Do you guys do crack?"

"No." "Yes." both shout. Umm...

Fran gasped. "Britney. Noo" she yelled. "Why would you say yes?!?"

"Why would you say no?" Brit gave her derp face.

Fran gives her what the hell face. "Anyways.."

"Hi. I'm Rachel." a girl with brown hair with red ends and a nice caramel skin tone said. She was really pretty. And I could tell she was short.

"Hey. I'm Annie." She had black hair, brown eyes, and a beautiful caramel skin tone. She too looked short. This many short people? I feel at home.

"Wassup. I'm Niy" a blonde with blue eyes said. She looked badass. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

"Hey gyal. I'm Brianna." She had nice caramel skin and long dark brown hair.

"Hi there. I'm Salome." She had an Australian accent and nice brown hair.

"And I'm Esther." She had green eyes and long hair.

"It's nice to meet you guys" I simply replied back.

"Come on. Sit down with us." Fran insisted. I sat down next to Fran and we talked for the rest of the lunch period.

Hey guys. Sorry if it was boring. It was kind of a filler chapter for the next chapter so you guys arent confused.

But still, dont forget to comment and vote. Love you guys.


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