Chapter 2: Oh Hell No

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Photo of Gabe....


Kayla's POV

"Those cameras up there hold the security footage. And judging by how high up they are, no one can cover them. I will look at the security footage over night and the culprits will be sent to my office first thing in the morning. You have nothing to worry about miss Cook. I will make sure that the criminals will be suspended. And please do not tell your father about this. We need those smartboards." Kiss-up.

Oh no. I can't be suspended again. My mom is gonna kill me.

"Oh fuck. What are we gonna do. I can't be suspended again. My parents are gonna chop off my balls and feed them to my dog. What do we do now?" Gabe asked.

"We have to get to that footage. Thats all we can do" Darius wispered.

That whole afternoon we thought of a plan to do tonight.


As we made our way towards the school, we knew we had to be prepared for anything that was bound to happen.

Gabe picked the lock of the door and we all made our way inside. We went to the principles office, being sure to quietly get past the security guard. As we walked in, we had to freeze in our tracks. There sat the principle on his computer watching us wreck the car.

"Damnit. We are too late" Darius whispers.

As we try to get out, Gabes phone drops from his pocket. The phone makes a loud clank on the hardwood floor. The principle looks up immediately.

"Who is there?" he shouts frantically.

We run out of the office as fast as we can. The security guard sees us and shouts at us to stop.

We are almost at the door when we see the security guards from all three floors of the school outside and ready to take us. Damnit he called security. He must've knew we were coming. We were in trouble and we knew it.

"Now what do we do?" Gabe asked.

"There is nothing we can do." said Darius.

"No, follow me" I said.

We went into the classroom next to us which was luckily opened before we could be fully spotted. We jumped out of the window and ran home.

"YAAAAASS" Darius screamed as we ran down the block.

"WE MADE IT" Gabe shouted.

"Kayla you are AWESOME!!" Darius said once we made it to my house.

"Shh, we dont wanna wake up my mom or brother" I said as we walked into my house.

We froze in our tracks when we saw my mom and brother and THE COPS.

"Kayla Maria Arianna Velazquez Rosario!! Would you like to explain to me what the hell happened?!?!" Eww. I hate my name. Its so girly and spanish. Like my mother.

"Um, mama, hi??"

My mom was fun and all, until you get her mad. Especially since she is Hispanic. Her name is Sofia. She is 5'8" (she's obviously not short like me) and has long black hair and green eyes. I got my eyes from my sperm donor.

"Would you like to explain why the hell these officers are in my house and why you are walking in at 2 in the morning" she said as she looked at the clock on our wall.

"Um you see, that's a very funny story. You're gonna laugh when you hear it". I was very nervously. I didn't really think this scenario through.

"Oh Ms. Thomas. I should have known" said a familiar voice from behind me. We turned around and saw our Principle looking out of breath in our doorway. He had sweat dripping down his suit with sweat stains under his armpits. Darius, Gabe and I looked at each other and laughed. He looked like he ran a 5k run even though the school was only a block away.

"Te dije que no meterme en problemas de nuevo (I told you not to get in trouble again)" my mom said. I really love her, but she knows that I don't listen to a word she says.
"Esta era su última oportunidad (This was your last chance)."

"What do you mean this is my last chance?" I asked suddenly scared.

"Your parole officer had given you more than enough chances. You have been kicked out of this school multiple times and no other school in the state wants to take you." she said with a disappointed look on her face.

"Being that you need to finish high school, you are being moved."

I relaxed. I can't leave. This is my home. They can't make me. The least they can do is make me take a 30 minute drive to the next place or something. And Gabe and Darius are my best friends. I must stay here for them.

Gabe and Darius looked at me with sad looks in their faces. Why are they sad?!?! I'm only being moved a couple minutes away. They will come with me and then we can cause trouble at the other schools. I don't see the problem.

"I'm sorry Kayla. We tried to talk to the judge the moment your principle called but she said you have had enough chances. We have to move you."

"Where am I being moved anyway?"

"You are being moved to New Jersey."

Dun dun dun.
Don't you just love cliffhangers. I know I do.


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