Chapter 20: So Close, Yet So Far

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Chapter 20: So Close, Yet So Far

Kayla's POV


We stood there looking at eachother. The awkward silence and obvious sexual tension was there yet no one bothered to fix it.

So I did. "Well, I'm gonna go now. I'm going to pretend that I didn't see all of that and walk away peacefully and calmly."

I was actually going to go into my room and try to keep Miranda from crawling right back to his room and making sweet, sweet love to him.

I turned to walk away.  "Wait!" He grabbed my arm, stopping me.


I looked up into his eyes in confusion. Did he really want me to make sweet love to him? Does he not know that I was joking?

He shifted uncomfortably, moved back and looked down to the floor. His face turned fire truck red. "Umm... I was wondering-"

"Look if you wanna talk to me, you're going to have to pull up your pants 'cuz I honestly can't concentrate."

He smirked and pulled up his pants. "You may proceed."

He laughed and stood closer to me. I stood my ground. Even though he pulled up his pants and fixed his shirt, his dirty face was forever imprinted in my mind along with my new fantasies. I could still feel the sexual tension.

He looked over my face, as if studying it for a test, and cupped my face gently with both hands. I was obviously completely oblivious to the fact that those same hands were on his cock less than five minutes ago. I was too focused on staring into his beautiful green eyes.

"Can I kiss you right now?" he asked in a husky low voice. I couldn't talk when he was this close to me. So I just nodded.

He cupped my face and stared deep into my eyes. I stared into his. They held emotions that I was unfamiliar with. They looked like love and desire. Maybe I was just too emotional from Teen Wolf.


What the fuck do you mean sure?

Maybe that is what he is actually feeling.

You're fucking crazy.

But I'm you.

He kept staring, as if in a trance, and then FINALLY, brought his face closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my face. So minty.

I kissed the corner of his lip, edging him to make the first move.

"Hey you guys! Get down here and help with the groceries please?"

I closed my eyes in annoyance. So close...

He sighed as I pulled away. I put my head down, making my hair cover my face like a shield.

I turned and walked to the door. "We will be able to kiss ya know. I will make sure of it."

I smiled at his words. Somehow, I knew they were true.


Hola hoes. Ik that I haven't been updating and that's becuz skool started again and I have hw and other things that make me wanna set the earth on fire. But I will try really hard to update as much as possible.

I love u guys and thanks for still readin my book.


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