Chapter 5: It's My Fright-Night so why are We scared?!

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OI OI.... i hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! hehehehe!! XD :P

Bexz... x


Chapter 5:

I tried to distract myself by carrying all the luggage in, but unfortunately Lousie had seen EVERYTHING, so that was an epic failure in itself. ''Why are you so keen to know what went on'', after about 10 minuets of constant babble off of her I finally caved in giving her a steely look, she threw her hands up and gestured to my cheeks, I felt them and sure enough I out did the ripe beetroot. I mentally cursed, I had to admit although I was in shock from what he did, it still felt nice his lips were soft, and even though it was just a peck on the lips the world swam in front of my eyes.

''Fine I give in, and honestly once I tell you no more questions'', she nodded her head enthusiastically making it obvious that she was thrilled to know. ''When you went to get the bags, he was still standing by the fence, we weren't saying anything but he just seemed... his eyes we all glazed over when he said goodbye, well then you must have saw what happened,'' I said a little exasperated.

''Nope you have to tell me down to the nitty gritty'', I should have known, this girl was always the interrogator.  

''Well  he just walked away, but then stopped and turned back and......''

''KISSED YOU'', she fanned her face like she was in a panto or something, I groaned at the effort she had put into it, seriously sometimes it felt like I was the 20 year old in the house. Once we had finished unloading her stuff into my bedroom, which I must say looked like a store now, we went downstairs to the kitchen, I called Chasity and she picked up on the 3rd ring.

''Hey babes, you okay?'' I asked.

''Yehh, what-up'' she seemed a little hyped up, one guess Callum,i was actually very happy that she found someone just as big-hearted as her.

''I need food and DVD's ASAP, because unless you want to watch wild child again then we need stuff now, oh yeh Lousie's here'', I heard her squel a little, I didn't want to know what from.

''YEH BABY... Put me on loud speaker'' I did as she asked and no sooner had Idone it her voice screeched through the phone....

''LOU LOU... how are you babes OMG I cannot believe your here, oh yeh Lexi what movie do you want me to bring.. I was thinking Paranormal Activity 2 & 1?'' Me and Lou chuckled simultaneously.

''Yeh that would be great, ...'' I was cut short by Lous voice..

''LEXI GOT KISSED'', I stared at her in disbelief... after about a three second silent pause an eruption of ''OMG's'' and '' NO-WAY... ARE YOU KIDDIN'' came from the other end of the phone. Great now my life is defiantly OVER!

I then had a full hour conversation to Chasity about the whole incident while Lou was '''ahhing'' in the background. I was so tired by the time i had finished the conversation, and i could see that Lou was as wel, we headed up to the bedroom and fell asleep almost automatically.


I woke up with a start as I saw a face right in front of me... ''GAHHHH'' I saw that it was Chasity...

''Whres the fire'', Lou mumbled next to me, ''Theres no fire just an annoying rat next to my bed''...

''RAT WHERES THE RAT'', haha Lou actually thought i was being serious. ''Lou calm down i was just kidding i was actually talking about Chasity. '' ohh hahahah'', I looked at Chasity her eyes slightly amused but with a hint of murder.

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