Chapter Nine- Things Gone Wrong

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I haven't heard of Damien for the rest of the weekend; since he left my house without telling me anything. I tried to call him, text him, everything; he didn't call back. I was a little angry that he just blocked me out, but I mostly worried about him.

It's Monday, so I'm probably going to see him in school today. Grabbing my school bag off the kitchen counter, I headed down the stairs and hurried to school.

Walking into school isn't my favorite thing to do; although people are starting to forget about the rumors, it's like they're just growing to dislike me anyway... Well, more like brainwashed to dislike me by a certain blonde bitch that's called Jessica.

I ignore all the looks and find my way to Damien's form room, and wait for him to show up. Ten minutes later, the bell goes. I hesitate about whether I should wait for him to show up or just go to my next class and call him later.


It's lunchtime already and I still haven't heard anything from Damien... What makes me even more worried is, that he didn't show up for English. Ok, NOW I am worried. I texted him and rang him a few times and still, no response.

I ignored my worries and headed to library. When I got there, a sign on the door said 'library closed'. Where am I supposed to go, then? I stood there for a few seconds and thought about where to go... Sighing, I headed to the toilets; and regret it. Jessica, Megan and Melissa where in there, doing what they normally do; which is check themselves in the mirror and fix their makeup... Don't forget making sure their boobs were as seen as possible since it's school. Hesitating, I was going to leave when Jessica noticed me stood at the door.

'Violette, come join us, babe.' Jessica said.

Babe? BABE?! Was she being fucking serious? I couldn't get in any more trouble with her, so I muttered 'sorry got to go' and left. But hey, she can't just let it go, can she? She hurried by my side and grabbed unto my arm forcefully, dragging me into the toilets.

'What do you want?' I sighed.

'I said join us. Thought you'd look like a complete loner out there since the library is closed today.'

She gave me the sweetest smile, or should I say, the most fake sweets smile I've ever seen. I swear if I hadn't known what she's really thinking of, that smiled would've tricked me in the easiest way ever.

Without thinking, I pulled my arm out of her grip, and ran out of the toilets. Shit, shit, shit. She's so going to make me pay for this.

Wait, what are you thinking, Violette?! You didn't do anything wrong and you're not her slave! I'm tired of her manipulating me into thinking she's so powerful... I have to be honest, she is. If she wants something to happen in this school, then it will.

I was walking around when I bumped into Hannah.

'Hey, Violette.' She said

'Hey.' I muttered.

'Everything ok?' She asked, frowning.


'Well, I'm glad I bumped into you. Listen, my birthday is in a week and I'm throwing a little party at my house. I thought you could come along?'

'Um, sure, Hannah.' I gave her a small smile.

'Great! I'll text you about it all tonight then because I've got to run right now. Sorry, bye!' She padded me on the shoulder and left.

Well, that was quick.


'Mum, I don't want any.' I whined.

'You're still eating them. Violette, your diet has been really bad lately... You've lost weight and your face looks so... Weak.' She put more food in my plate.

She was right; I've lost my appetite lately. I don't know how, I'm always the one who eats all the time in this family. Now... Well, I have lost weight. I can't remember when was the last time I had a proper meal.

I pushed the plate away, sighing, and left the room. I ignored my mother's complaining and went up to my room. All I could think of was Damien; what was up with him, why he wasn't responding to my calls. I tried to ring him a few more times after coming back from school, but still no response.

Sighing, I threw my phone on the bed and lied down, thinking. I don't know what I was thinking about, really, just a random load of crap. Everything. What my life has come to. I lied there for a good 10 minutes when my phone buzzed, that's when I bolted up and grabbed it.

Disappointed, I opened Hannah's text anyway.

*hey!:) so come to my house @ 8pm on saturday?;) I'm only inviting a few people & its a sleepover btw!xx*

I texted back *okaii awesome:3 should I bring a sleeping bag?xx*

*if u want to!xx*

*okaii! Cya xx*

*byeee xx*

Still worried, I wondered where I can look for Damien. I don't know where he lives; he never told me. Where am I supposed to look then?

I went to town and walked around for about an hour, with my earphones plugged in. Eventually I took them out and just walked around. I decided to go to the park where me and Damien first met; it was very peaceful at night. I lied down on the grass, and closed me eyes.

My eyes shot open when I heard noise somewhere near me. A sniffle. Confused, I slowly stood up and followed the noise. It was behind one of the big trees...

To my surprise, Damien was crumpled up behind the tree... Crying?

'Damien?' I called.

He turned around. I was facing a red-eyed, broken Damien. What happened? I didn't bother to ask, I just sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. I allowed him to bury his face into my neck and sob... I could feel his body vibrate against me; and it broke my heart. Although I had no idea why he was crying, I started crying along. We sat there crying and hugging each other for a very long time, that we both fell asleep.


I've never felt so close to a person as much as I was feeling to Damien right now. Holding hands as tight as we could, we both stood in front of his mother's coffin. I've never met his mother, didn't know much about her, but my sadness towards his death was just as strong as Damien's.

After the funeral was over, Damien and I sat next to gis mother's coffin for a while, until my mother convinced us to leave. We went back to my house; I couldn't let him go back to his house where his dad would be waiting for him to go back and beat the crap out of him. I don't know if I'm ever letting him go back there again.

Damien heads to the shower and I find us something to wear other than the formal clothes we were wearing for the funeral. Thank God I have some baggy bands tshirts so Damien wouldn't have to go back to his house to get something to wear. I don't want him to have anything to do with his dad anymore.

I lay out a tshirt and boxers for Damien (yes, I wear man boxers) and wait for him to come out of the shower. I have to say, he looked incredibly sexy in a towel, but I wasn't in the mood to actually say anything funny or compliment him...

'I'll go for a shower now.' I say and head to my bathroom.

On the way, Damien grabs me by the arm. I turn around to look him in the eye as he says 'Thank you, Violette. For everything.' His eyes water as he looks at me, and I pull him in for a hug.

We both fell asleep on my bed after a couple of silent hours. I've never seen Damien so heartbroken, and it breaks my heart too. Not just the fact that his mother died, it was just seeing him so weak.


Sorry for not updating in such a long time :c

I had loads of schoolwork ugh .-. but yeah there you go, that's not a bad chapter:3

Pweaaase comment && stuff okaiis^.^ Thank chu for reading my story aswell

wuv youuuu<3

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