Chapter Seven- It Could Get Better

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For the past three weeks, I have been avoiding Damien completely, got more of the 'slut' and the looks, and I read loads of new books considering I have nothing else to do with my time. No friends to hang around with, not even friends to skype with anymore. They haven't tried talking to me for a while now, but who am I kidding? I don't really care. 

I was on my way to library, as usual, when a a familiar looking girl stopped me in the way. 

'Hey, I'm Hannah.' she said, giving me a wide smile.

'Um, hi...' I said, hesitating. 

'You're probably wondering why I'm talking to you,' she laughed nervously 'but I don't really have any plans this weekend and I thought I should be friendly to the new girl and ask her if she's like to hang out?' 

'Um, yeah, sure! I don't mind at all!' I said, my face breaking into a massivve grin.

'Great! Is it cool if I get your number so we can like, plan it?' she asked, pulling out her phone from her pocket. I did the same, and we exchanged numbers.

Did I really just make a friend? AWESOME!!

She excused herself and walked off, and I made my way to the library. I guess things aren't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe I was just having a bit of a rough time?


Shadow Moses by Bring Me The Horizon was blasting through my earphones when mom came into my room and unplugged my earphones.

'Violette, your friend is here to see you. You better get dressed, seems like you guys are going somewhere.' 

'Wait, who is it that's here to see me?' I asked.

'Your friend Damien.'

Are you being serious? This is so awkward, I have been avoiding him for a while and I'm pretty sure he will ask me why. Mom calls for him to come in and he guves me a small smile.

'I thought you'd like to come see Bring Me The Horizon with me?' he asked, flashing me two tickets to the BMTH tour. Oh. My. God.

I gasped and started squealing and acting like a complete fangirl, and kept jumping around. I pushed them both outside of my room, telling them that I'll get ready in no time. I wore my favorite jacket, along with my BMTH top and rubber bands, and put some shorts on and my Doc Martens. Then, I did my makeup really fast, but it looked just fine. 

We both said goodbye as we made our way to the train station. It was only 9 in the morning and the gig was starting at 6 at night. So, why did he come so early? 

As we walked to the station, I could almost hear Damien's hesitation about something. He started talking, 'Violette, why have you been avoiding me for the past few weeks? I mean, if I did something wrong you should've told me beca-'

'No, you didn't. I don't know how to tell you this, Damien, but... I don't want to be friends with you because I don't want you to get bullied for it. You might not be aware but I get bullied like hell, and I can't let you go through that with me after being so nice to me.' 

Without expecting it, Damien pulled me into a hug and held me there for about a minute. But I didn't mind, I hugged him back and burried my face in his shoulder. Damien is the only person that was ever there for me and the only one who actually cares. I don't know what I was doind, thinking I could just forget about him and move on?

After getting out of the hug, I chuckled and asked 'so, what are we doing for so many hours if the gig is starting at 6?'

'Oh, I thought since it's going to be in London we could take the train, and I could show you some places there, we could have some lunch, maybe go shopping for a bit and then head to the gig?' 

'That would be an example of my perfect day!' I said, hooking my arm with his and walking down the road to the train station.

We both listened to music all the way to London, ocasionally pausing and talking for a bit. We have'nt arrived yet and I was already having fun! Every now and then I realize how happy Damien makes me, and think of how did I even consider ending my friendship with him. It's just crazy; we've grown pretty close and sometimes, it feels like he's the only one who would be there for me when I need him. 

When we arrived to London, I started jumping with excitment and Damien laughed at me. God, I can be weird sometimes! After I stopped being weird we got out of the train and made our way to Oxford Street. 


My throat hurted from screaming, my legs ached from jumping, my body hurted from moshing... But I didn't care; that was the best day of my entire life. I said goodbye to Damien in the train station and we both made our ways to our homes. I arrived home about an hour ago, had a shower, but wasn't going to bed. This day must end with watching some cheesy musical. I decided to watch High School Musical since it's the best film ever and made myself some popcorn. Just as the film started, the doorbell rang.

It was midnight, who would be ringing a bell in that kind of time?

I went downstairs and opened the door to find Damien looking exhausted. As I focused on his face I noticed his eyes were sparkling from the tears filling them. He fell to his knees just as I was about to speak, so I shut my mouth and helped him get inside. I didn't bother asking him what was up right this moment, I just made him lie down my sofa and made him something to drink. 

When I thought it was a good time to talk, I asked 'Damien, what happened?'

He tried to avoid eye contact, but spoke anyway 'Is it alright if I stay here for the night? Just tonight, I promise.'

'You can stay for even longer if you wanted to. It's also ok if you don't want to tell me what happ-'

'My dad.' he paused 'he's, um, an alcoholic. And when he's drunk he's mad, which would be all the time. When I went home he started beating me up for no reason,' right when he said that I noticed a scar that ran down his arm, and my heart ached for him 'And when I went upstairs I found my mum by her  bed lying in a pool of her own blood so I called an ambulance, made sure she will be ok and came down here.' I took his drink off him and placed it on the table so I could hug him as tight and as long as I could. I could feel his breath blowing my hair slightly as he burried his head there, and relaxed more.

 When we pulled away, I could see the fresh tears spilling out of his grey eyes, and simply started crying too. Not just for him, but for me too. I guess I don't know what suffering is after all, and the person I was trying to protect from all the bullying actually knew about having a rough life more than me.I felt so weak. Damien was so strong, he's been all through this, and yet I never saw him weak. He was always happy and smiling. But me? It only took me a bitch and a rumor to lose it all.

'I'm so sorry for ever ignoring you.' I whispered.

'You can't apologize for worrying about me, Violette. You're an amazing person.' 

I chuckled as I wiped the tears away.

'Violette, you're my best friend. You know that, right?'

'Not really,' I laughed 'but you are my best friend too.'



Thankyou loadssss for reading my story, please comment and tell me what chu think;D

Sorry for not updating fast enough, I had so many exams this week D: 

Anyways, thankyou for reading && tell me what chu think! Maybe also tell me if you have any ideas for the next chapters?


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