14 | In Too Deep

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Friday morning, I woke up smiling for three reasons. Firstly: my mom was coming home today and I really did miss her (and I was really excited for my typical mom-went-away-and-got-you-a-present-so-she-doesn't-feel-bad gift). Secondly: after I got through the next eight hours of school, I would be school-free for the next two weeks for our break. And thirdly: today was the day of Brett's race and I would be back at the tracks again.

Because of my particularly good mood that morning, I didn't even cringe as I pulled up my tight ripped jeans, nude heeled booties, and a tight black top with an exceptionally low vee-neck cut. The day went by pretty quickly, but that was probably because I was too eager for winter break to start that I didn't pay attention to the whispers and stares. Instead, I merely counted down the minutes until I was home-free.

Nathan wasn't in school today, which only convinced me further that he wouldn't be making an appearance at the tracks tonight. With that confidence in mind, I had a feeling that Steph and I would be able to make it in and out without an issue tonight. Even though Nathan said I could go with him to watch him steal Nina's money, I still knew he was adamant that I don't go without him.

When I entered science, I was particularly blessed because my smelly lab partner was absent and the teacher was running late. I sat down in my normal seat with a breath of relief that I didn't have to plug my nose all class and got out my books from my backpack. Moments later, Brett sauntered into class and sat in front of me, then turned to greet me.

"Hey Lauren," Brett greeted with his signature friendly smile.

I return the smile easily with my own and say, "Hey Brett."

"Are you still coming tonight?" His grin becomes boyish as he leans forward and teases, "I promise that I'm better at racing than Thomas is at football."

I laugh and nod eagerly. "Yeah, I can't wait."

Brett's smile fades for a second as he thinks of something. "You know, you should bring a friend with you. It's not safe for a girl to be walking around there alone."

His thoughtfulness made me smile sweetly at him as I disclose, "My friend Steph is coming with me."

"Stephanie Cain?" Recognition dawns on his features as I nod. "Great. Justin will like that," Brett teases and I smirk. "After the race, you should-"

Brett is cut off by our overwhelmed teacher walking into the door with a briefcase in one hand and a coffee, some of which had landed on his white button down, in the other. "Sorry I'm late, class. Everyone quiet down and take out your notebooks. Today we'll be starting aquatic ecology."

And for the next forty something minutes, I happily jot down notes while my mind wandered elsewhere. All I could think about was going to the tracks again. The exhilarating feeling of watching the cars speed around the racetrack had left me in awe last time and I was eager to get that feeling back. I could only imagine what kind of adrenaline rush it would be like to be the one driving.

By the time school ended, I was skipping out happily at the thought of not returning for the next two weeks. That was no more whispers, stares, or invasion of privacy for two entire weeks. It was weird how excited I was over the prospect of being socially invisible for fourteen days when I spent most of high school flying under the radar with Bailey and Sasha.

I got home and parked in the driveway besides Cole's car. I hauled my backpack to the front door and then let it drop in the foyer as I heard distant sounds of a conversation. Following the voices, I shuffled toward the kitchen and heard Luke and Cole discussing something that sounded pretty serious. So, naturally, I eavesdropped.

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