41 | Road Trip

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Imagine a road trip with THAT perfect human in the driver seat. Comment & vote if you think the picture above is beautiful

Despite our kind of date and earth shattering kiss, nothing really changed between Nathan and I. A week full of extra smiles, cute texts, and flirtatious comments passed without either of us actually addressing what happened on Friday night. 

But even though neither of us said a word about the kiss, I knew that we were both happy. We fell back into our routine effortlessly and, come Monday, we were walking to lunch together, texting during class, and he made it a point to wink at me whenever he saw me in the halls. 

By the time Friday rolled around again, I was more than ready to go to the Poconos. I was so ecstatic all day that I completely ignored Nina when she called my shoes ugly in the cafeteria while her brainless minions cackled from behind her. 

When the final bell rang on Friday, I got up from my seat and ran outside as quickly as I could, with one mission on my mind. I pushed the doors open and walked as fast as possible toward Nathan's car in the front row of the parking lot with a huge smirk on my lips. 

As I pass a careless Asher who was talking to someone I vaguely recognized from one of my classes, my smirk only widened. His gaze locked with mine as I passed him and as a flash of recognition passes over his features, I shout, "Shotgun!" 

I ran the rest of the way to Nathan's familiar black Mustang just for good measure and, with a grin, turned around to look at a very surprised Asher, who had followed me to his car. "I told you that one day I would make you sit in the back while I laughed at you from the front seat," I tell him smugly as I sit down in the passenger seat. "What better time to laugh at your misery than during a road trip?" 

Asher's jaw drops as he stares at me in blatant surprise. My gaze slid past Asher's shoulder to see Nathan approaching the car with a knowing smirk on his lips. 

As Nathan opens the drivers door, he glances over the car at Asher and says impatiently, "Come on Asher, get in the car. I want to get on the road."

I chuckle to myself as Nathan gets in and Asher shuffles mutely to the back seat. An indescribable feeling of satisfaction rolls over me as Asher sits in the back, stunned silent, as if this day would never come. 

It wasn't until we were pulling out of the parking lot that Asher finally mutters begrudgingly, "Touché."

A wide smirk set itself on my lips as I take advantage of riding shotgun and start flipping through the radio station. Nathan chuckled to himself while Asher mumbled complaints from the back seat about the station I chose or the song that was playing. 

Eventually, I settle on something we all like because a) I'm too nice and b) I couldn't drag down anyone's mood if I tried because c) we were finally on our way to the Poconos. The trunk of Nathan's Mustang was loaded up with snacks, alcohol, and beverages that everyone collected. 

Vincent was driving Tess in his pick up with their share of our necessities for the long weekend, including the six pack of bug spray that Tess bragged about buying. They drove behind us with a truck bed just as full as Nathan's trunk. 

The drive wasn't bad, but that's only because I dozed off thirty minutes after we hit the road. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to fall asleep, either, with Nathan and Asher arguing over nothing. But somehow, I fell asleep, slumped against the corner of the seat and the window. 

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