Brandon's P.O.V

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I walked into the school building and the first thing I saw was Nikki and her friends.  They were all giggling and covering their mouths and looking at me. I feel like they are up to something. 

I walked into the office and got the keys to the newspaper room and I was about to walk out when my girlfriend walked in. I keep forgetting her name so, I made up a nickname for her. 

"Hey Brandon!" Squealed Jaz as she spotted me. This is me, I try to hide away from her as much as possible. 

"Hey Jaz." I said putting on a forced smile.

"Are you going to the newspaper room? Great. I'll come and keep you company." She said as she walked out the room.

I followed her, thinking about  why I choose her to be my girlfriend. I sometimes wished I never even kissed her so that Nikki will be with me. I miss her sometimes.

As I walked out I saw Nikki and her friends standing near her locker and they looked like they were waiting for something to happen.

I ignored them as I walked by. Their giggling were getting so annoying to me and they were getting on my nerves. I wonder what they are giggling about.

I opened the door and I was about to walk in when I heard something fall and the next thing I know,  Jaz and I were covered in hair dye. I didn't know who did this but they were going to get what they deserved. 

I turned around to leave when I saw Nikki and her friends giggling and I suddenly knew who did this to me. My anger vanished so quickly when I realized that Nikki had done this. Why would she do this to me? Did someone told her to do it? I was gonna find out. 

I left the hallway and I walked towards the boys locker room to wash off this hair dye. I hoped this hair dye would wash off. I mean if didn't, then I would be called the 'crazy colored hair boy.' I was getting mad every minute I think about what Nikki done to me.

I walked into the locker room and headed straight for the showers. I turned on the shower and I tried to wash off the color and hopely it will wash off.

I finished my shower and stepped out to dry myself and to look in the mirror. I looked in the mirror and looked at my hair. It was different colors. I wanted to scream, I wanted to do so many things right now.

How long will this dye last on my hair. Now I'm really mad and I wanted to yell at Nikki right now.Here I was feeling sorry for myself and hoping that she forgave me but look at what she did to me. I'm so mad right now.


I walked out the locker room and back to the hallways. I found Nikki and her friends helping the janitor help clean up the mess. Maybe she didn't do it. Maybe she did it. It's so hard to understand her sometimes. I wonder why?


All through the day people kept looking at me and laughing at me. If that wasn't enough they pointed and took pictures of me. Probably to put it on facebook as the crazy haired idiot. I wonder why Nikki did this to embarrass me. I wanted to do something back to Nikki.

That's not even the worst of it.  Jaz's hair looked like mines because she walked in with me. People called us: LOOK IT'S THE CRAZY HAIRED COUPLE. It's embarrassing to walk around the school now. Even the teachers looked at me and some even laughed at me. 

I thought teachers were suppose to be supportive to you. It was the worst day today. I want to go to sleep and wake up and think it's all a big bad nightmare. But it's not. 

I just want to start the whole day again and avoid get getting by the bucket that Nikki and her friends had created for me to fall under it. Why was my life so unfair and cruel. 


I walked out of school that day feeling sad about what happened. I know that as soon as my gram sees me she is going to be asking so many questions. I just wanted to escape those questions. Worst of all Jaz is mad at me as well.

 She thought I did this on purpose to get her. She got mad at me and she said that she is going to dye her hair back to normal hair. Lucky her but now no is talking to me other than calling me names. 



Hey guys hope ya'll enjoyed the chapter. So sorry that it was short i'll try to make it longer next time. 

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