Promises and secrets

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I immediately went to check out of rehab when Beth hung up on me. I called Paul ,but I could just sense it. Paul may loved Elizabeth, but he knew nothing about her past and what she would need. She didn't need a partner right now, she needed a protector. I was terrible at everything else,but I knew how to keep her safe. I had done it before, and I always would.

"What do you mean you're leaving," the director said. "Stefan you've made so much progress, and you only have so much time left. I don't want you to give up on your recovery."

"I won't," Stefan said. "But you don't understand,my wife is in danger. I need to go to her."

"I am sure she is fine," the director replied. "She has a lot of support." Yeah. He knew my wife had a live in boyfriend, everyone did. But I didn't really give a shit. There was some psycho out there killing off my lovers, and I'd die before I let Elizabeth become another body in the morgue.

"I'm an adult," I said. "I came here willingly, and I'm leaving willingly." Ten minutes later, I was on the road. Of course minutes felt like an eternity while I waited for either Beth or Paul to call me back and tell me she as alright. As the rain pounded on my windshield, my mind drifted. I remember ten years ago, the first time I had learned Elizabeth's secrets. It was the day I'd proposed.


I watched in the car as Elizabeth looked over the newspaper. Little did she know I was driving her to a very Important place. It had only been seven months, but I knew Elizabeth was the one. I'd known since the plane ride when she shivered after I kissed her, so afraid to be loved. She was fragile and beautiful, like a snowflake.

"You're always reading the New York Times," I said. "Is there a reason you're so interested in that French murderer's trial?" she shook her head, her eyes distant.

"It's for my journalism class," she said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be distant. Where are we going, by the way..."

"It's a surprise," I said. She smiled with her face but her eyes seemed hollow. I was going to change it, smooth over her sadness. Beth didn't know it yet, but I was determined to make all of her dreams come true. I needed to, because after all, I needed her.

We got to the restaurant and she followed me back. I Rented out a private room and made sure it was covered with candles and flowers, and pictures of us from the last seven months. She gasped as we entered, and I picked up two glasses of champagne I'd asked to put there. Elizabeth had just turned twenty one, luckily. I handed her a glass and she smiled, eyes glistening.

"Stefan this is so beautiful," she whispered. She shook her head. "I don't deserve this..."

"Yes you do," I said firmly. "You deserve so much more. If you'd like, I can give you the world Beth." She gazed at me curiously, her lip shaking. Why was she so nervous?

"I want to give you everything," I said. "A house, kids, a romance that will never leave you wishing for more. Beth, most of all, I want to give you the kind of love that will make you know how much you mean to me. I want to be your partner and your friend, your lover and your strength, because you are all those things to me." I got down on one knee, smiling.

"Stefan, what are you doing?" she asked.

"I know it's been a short while," I said. "Gosh, we haven't even made love yet. You wanted to wait, and I respect that..."" How did I get so off topic? I didn't know, but luckily she blushed and smiled.

"Beth, I love you. Whether you want to wait seven years or seven minutes, I will still want to be with you forever. So, will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I popped open the ring and watched her faces she saw the sparkle of the 3 carat diamond. I hadn't really told her how rich I was, even though I think she had some idea. She knew about. M job, but of my inheritance. I waited for her to scream out yes, but was shocked when I heard her cry. It wasn't the good kind.

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