Word #3

11 3 8

A foolish or stupid person
Am I the only one who thinks nincompoop has a British-y aura to it? Like it's one of those fancy-shmancy British words? And speaking of British, dedicated to equestrian44 for introducing me to the Whovian fandom. Since I needed another XD.
My inner fangirl- No, not you Winona- is finally satisfied with my valid fandoms (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and now Doctor Who!).
Anyway, nincompoop is an awesome insult to use, because there is a slight chance that whoever you're insulting may not know what it means. Which makes insulting them even better! Winona! You're like a nagging parent! Everyone needs a good insult or two!
But in all seriousness, it's really not very nice to call someone a nincompoop, and so I would refrain from doing so. So put nincompoop in that special box in your brain for insults and curse words. Cuz we don't need those!!
There are PLENTY of other words in the world, and so do you really need to use the nasty ones? Let there be a key for that special box. And that key is an extremely annoying person. But make sure to attempt to resolve your issues PEACEFULLY first. Okay? Yeah I thought so.
     Another handy-dandy use of the word nincompoop is impressing your teachers! Teachers are MAJOR suckers for vocabulary.
     I can't really think of any other random things to talk about... So I will conclude this part here. Hasta mañana, mis amigos!

-January 26, 2016

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