Chapter Twenty-One: I am Not a Saint

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Rewrite 7/27/2020

The following day Nina is a school with her guards keeping an eye on her. Alex is with his grandmother in the apartment, the only person we can trust while the situation is being handled.  Alejandro and I are going down the elevator together hand in hand. As the elevator doors open our lawyer, our friend since the beginning of our relationship Livia stood to wait for us. "Good Morning you two," she said smiling at us. Greeting her like friends we switched to business. "Mason will be waiting for us at our old favorite coffee place we use to hang out back in college," Livia said grinning. It was an hour and something minutes till we arrived Mason was already there looking depressed....okay that's worrying. Alejandro and I walked in hand in hand like our normal selves.

Mason looked up and frowned, "Don't start Mason" Livia said snapping at him as he was about to open his mouth pointing at our hands. He places his hand down and closed his mouth and mummers something low enough that we can't hear him.

"Mason we asked Livia to contact you because of our concern for the safety of my family." Alejandro said Mason's eye rose enraged at the sound of "my family"

"They are my family and she is still married to me! And Nina is my daughter." He angrily shouted at Alejandro in a low tone.

"Mason! Nina's birth certificate has my name. I raised Nina, I provided for Nina, I gave her the same love and support that my father showed me growing up for a child that is growing up in a loving home. Malia maybe your legal wife, but she is still my wife at heart! 7 years of co-living as husband and wife. You left her, you cheated on her, you denied her a future to be a successful woman with a child. You are no saint so don't act like you didn't do anything wrong! We are reaching out to you because your sister is in love with you, your sister has tried to break into my home, and shot one of my guards, I'm worried for the well being of MY WIFE, Nina, and Alexander. What if Sol finds out where they are right now? No one knows where they are staying but for our most trusted people. What if she hurts someone, my unborn child? Alex? Nina?" He stopped there taking a deep breath. Placing her hands on her husband's arm and shoulder she looks up at him and whispers "it's okay my love."

She looks over at Mason who was shocked looking at her stomach, "Stop looking at my stomach yes I'm pregnant.....He is right your not a saint, but we need to know that we can trust you truly. My family is in danger because your older sister lost her mind and has been reported missing since yesterday now.....Nina.....we have decided for her safety that she should know that you are her biological father....we want her safe in case anything happens... that puts my life or Alejandro's life at risk or end.
Your sister shot one of our guards trying to break into our house this weekend. She now figured out that we are not there!" His eyes express alarm and despair.

"I'm... I'm sorry for what my sister has done I have no idea what has happened to her...." He looks down and then after a short pause. "When do we tell her?"

"Today After School....." He nods
"On other subjects, Livia here will be representing me in the annulment of our marriage. I'm well aware that you don't want to officially divorce me but I urge you please make this easier." I urged him.

While some would say why to divorce him your married to the man you claimed to be the love of your life. But that was 7 years ago. Verses now my love is the man I have lived a stable and loving life with, who has fathered my children and trusted me to be loyal and faithful. Too perfect to be true, I know but we obviously have our moments.

He stares at me for a long while eyes just staring off trying to figure out what we want.

"Fine...I know I'm not a saint but fine." He said stands up and heads to the coffee bar. Taking sighs of relief I look at Alejandro and smile at him. "Everything will be fine," he whispered to me.

After school we had Mason come with us in the same car we didn't want anyone to recognize Mason's car the paparazzi are everywhere just waiting for that million-dollar snap. Arriving in our building we took the elevator and well wasn't that just awkward elevator ride up to our pentagon suite. We thanked our friend the owner of the building for the secrecy and trust in him to say none but a word having explained our stalker situation. As we arrived and the elevator doors pinged open. We walked inside hearing giggles from Alex and Nina from the playroom.

"Nina!" I called her I could hear her giggles stop and her small feet run echo through the apartment. "MOMMY! I got my report from my project!" she stopped on her train of thought and squealed when she saw Alejandro beside me. "Daddy! Daddy!" she ran into his arms I peaked up at Mason. I knew this must hurt him I pity him...Nina looked at Mason. "Hi Mr. Mason..." she said shyly.

"Nina my love we need to have a very important talk with you.

Escorting our guest to the living room. Alejandro called Nina to stand in front of him.
He smiled at her. "I love you my Nikalina....and no matter what happens now I will always ALWAYS be your father. I raised you and loved you ever since you were in your mommy's tummy," he said looking sad at her then at me. Nina looked so confused but she smiles at him and kisses his nose. "Silly daddy you will always be my daddy," she said.

"Nina before you were born I was married to Libby's Uncle here Mason. We knew each other since college, we fell in love, and got married but some really bad people broke us apart and I ended up alone with a little tiny baby in my tummy and your......your daddy took us in and we live together and he and I fell in love and we became a family with a lot of time and years passing through but we love you.....with all our hearts and what I am going to tell you sadly is going to break your heart and my heart is going to break too because I hate to see you in any pain...." I explained with all the reckless nervousness in me.

"Alejandro is not your biolog...real father but he is your daddy, Mason is your in Libby are cousins."

The three of us stared at her ready to embrace her. None of us were really sure just how she was going to handle this.

"You lied to me...." she said with tears running down her little rosy cheeks.

Shaking my head, "No my darling we...I didn't lie to you I was protecting you. Daddy knew from the very beginning and loves you like his flesh and blood you are the apple of his eyes. When Mason, your father, and I went our separate ways everything was downhill. These people who broke our family did lots of harm to us and once again the same people are trying to harm us again, but back then we didn't know and they lied to Mason and made him believe a lie that was not true and you and I fell victim to it. in the took a different you understand?" I asked her as she leans in one to me to use my clothes to wipe her tears, she nods her head whimpering. "Yes mommy I do but I'm very sad but happy that Libby is my cousin...but do I have to call daddy by his first name now?" she asked with watery eyes. I shook my head no.

"No mi Nina, you can always call me daddy." he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Nina looks over at Mason she stands up and walks over to him and holds her hands out. "I don't know what to do mommy..." she said looking at I'm.

"hug Nina hug."

she takes a deep breath as Mason and Nina embrace to hug and he holds her like it was the first time they have met. And it's not the first time but it is as father and daughter. They stay in a long embrace as Alejandro and I hold hands we look at each other and mouth "I love you"

Deep down we knew this day would eventually come and we got it out of the way and Nina now has a biological father and the family just grew a plus 1

Alejandro's phone rings, it has only been 15 minutes since Nina has been out of school since we picked her up early "Hello?"

"Sir Solance Michealson has been arrested for a psychotic breakdown at your daughter's school. Endangering students and her own daughter. Is  Miss Nina with You Sir? We didn't see her name in the check-out log." He looks at all of us. "Yes, Nina is with me. I'll be on my way text me where at the school." and he hung up.

He looked at Mason. "Sol has been arrested  at the girl's school we need to go." Mason nodded kissing Nina on her forehead and getting up.

Alejandro kissed me quickly, "Stay here don't go anywhere." he said as both men left.

"No one is a saint Nina," I said quietly as she comes back to me and hugs me around my neck.

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