Chapter Three - Hell on Earth

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Chapter two holds the picture of a brunette Malia(Jennifer Morrison)

Mason's POV

Staring out of his office window to see the view of a noisy Manhattan, the memory of my ex-wife came into my mind. The way her tears stream down her cheeks, the firmness and hurt in her voice as she confronted him, her delicate hand slapping him again with anger as he insulted her. Why aren't I...I should feel angry and offended, but I feel guilty and lost. He questions her knowledge over the man she betrayed him with instead it made me question who was telling the truth to me Elizabeth or Malia. Shaking my head I so confused, I open his top drawer and took a folder out. Opening it I tormented myself with the evidence of Malia's affair. They were smiling and clinging by the arm. Her hair was down and a bit messy. While Posada's tie was loose around his neck.

A tear streamed down, as I remember the day, three weeks ago Elizabeth walked through my office doors with an uncomfortable face on. "You need to look at these." she said handing me the folder looking up at her curiously I take the folder and my heart just floors as I see the pictures of my wife and friend. Alejandro and I weren't best of friends, but we were friends throughout our childhood. "What are you going to do?" Elizabeth asked. Growing cold and angry I told her to leave. I cried that day like I never cried before.

I gave up the bachelor life for her! I gave up being the person I use to be, to be a better man worthy of her heart.


Malia drove away without letting me defend myself. I was shocked I never met a woman who literally found the will power to walk away from me. The shock what. I must have her! But she isn't stupid she is obviously smart enough to avoid me but I will prevail.

The following day I walked over to the art building and peeked in every classroom till I finally found her. Her brown hair tossed up in a messy bun she had no makeup on. She wore a blue denim jack with a green scarf with an oversized shirt and black leggings. and boots. I Waited out the classroom missing my class just to talk to her. The door finally open and students walked out. But she didn't, the professor walked out and she still didn't. I walked over to the door and seeing her over on her easel thing drawing a design. She was there focused, in the moment of a masterpiece with headphones on, she started singing softly as she drew, but she suddenly stopped and looked behind her. She jolting taking her headphones off and stood up. "What are you doing here?" she said frowning as she gathers her belongings.

"I came here to ask you on a date to prove to you I'm serious," I asked her. Her eyes widen in shock she even pinched herself. She looked around then back at me and picked her backpack and work, she walked up to me and said "No" and walked out quickly. I blinked several times before rushed out behind her. Catching up to her I stood in front of her, "No, you can't say no to me!" I said stunned by her "no"

She flashes a smile at me, "Well dearie I just did. So..NO.. way you're going to use a date excuse as proof of your seriousness, seriously try another girl one that doesn't have high standards in men." she said turning away and leaves me thinking.

After that day I asked precisely 287 times outrages right 10- 12 times a day every day, every time I saw her and on that 287th time, she said the word I thought I never hear.

"Look I need this material for my final. I'm going to fail if I don't... please is there any way you can lower the price? Or a discount?" she said

"I'm sorry Malia, even with a student discount you won't be able to cover the total cost."

She hung up, her friends huddled around her. "Maybe find an alternative material the dress can still work without sea silk?" Livia said.

"Yes, but the quality of the dress won't be the same and Viola seeks quality." Sighting " I just need different shades of blue." packing her belongs she leaves looking depressed and she did for several days that I didn't ask her out. I found a way to bring her smile back. Seeing her in the studio alone with the dress that she is yet to finish I walk in.

"Malia." she turned around and groans.

"Mason please stop asking me the answers is no," she said turning around. I sighted I walked up to her and placed the box on the table. "Just open it. I only want to see you happy so I won't ask you out anymore." I told her and left.

As I walked out to the parking lot I heard my name being called out. "MASON!" turning around Malia embraces me into a hug taking me by total surprise. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! But how did you know?" she said, with a smile shining on her face with curious eyes.

Blushing I spilled, "I overheard your conversation and I hated to see you without smiling so I decided to do something about and I bought every single she shade of sea silk as a gift for you." I told her. I didn't expect her to react to my gift like this! she gave me a hug!

 "I will go out on a date with you." I think my heart stopped. "Wait what you're saying yes to the 28.....7 invitation out" I couldn't help it I picked her up and spun around laughing, feeling as if I won the best victory ever. "But take my warning one false move watch me swagger off," she said as she gave me a slip with her number on it and left.


Banging my head on the glass Madison walked in with paperwork. "Sir is everything alright?" did she really have to ask that... I turn to face her. "Do I look alright Madison?" I yelled at her I told her to leave.

What if Malia was telling me the truth and she didn't cheat and it was all a set up to separate us and what if she is pregnant ....with my child! I am a bastard! I should have talked to her instead of acting before really thinking things through.

Just the Elizabeth walked. "I saw them kissing in broad daylight!" She exclaimed in horror. My heart sank or not she is a liar. "Do you have proof?" I asked her. She shook her head no " No, but they were in a SemiCafe and they were alone in a booth and they kissed in front of people." my thermos was the first thing in my hand and threw thermos hitting the canvas of her beautiful manipulative face. "Out!" I screamed out. Elizabeth ran out as I locked myself in my office.

A moment later I rushed out of my office and rushed to the cafe to see confront them myself.

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