Chapter Twenty-Two: The Insanity of the Sol

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Prepare yourselves
7/27/2020 re-written

Let me go! Don't you know who I am!" Sol screamed and tried to fight her way out of the police's hold.

The crowd was growing, wondering what was going on. The children were scared of the woman who is losing her mind. Tears streaming down Libby's eyes as she watched her mother be taken away. The teachers tried to comfort her as they took her out of her mother's sight along with all the surrounding students. As the school goes under lockdown to keep the children from a single armed threat. It was twenty minutes later when the school reopens and allows parents to take the kids home. when her Libby's father came in and held his daughter close. Ashamed over Sol's behavior.

Sol was taken to the police station where to was held without visitation but her lawyer. Mason waited with Alejandro. Alice soon arrived along with their father. Once the lawyer came out of the interview room he walked up to her family six hours later.

"They're taking her to a psychiatrist for an evaluation. The police think that she may have some form of mental illness by the way today went." Sight "I suggest you start preparing yourself for a media frenzy this won't end well the school is planning on suing your daughter directly..not the family or name." the lawyer, Bronson walked away and back inside. The School director and superintendent walked into the police station. Seeing the Michealsons they stop.

"We're sorry about suing your daughter but we can't let this pass she endanger the students." The director said.

Henry lends his hand out the superintendent took it shaking hands. Ashamed Henry said, "Don't be sorry, Sola is an adult and she has to answer for her mistakes but this is a huge one. Anything we can do to help let us know. " Henry said as he turned over to Alejandro.

"Why are you still doing here?" He said
"He's here because Sol has been targeting his...mine...ours I don't know anymore Malia and the kids," Mason said

"Why? What does your ex-wife and her children have anything to do with this?" Henry said confused.

"Malia is still my wife, fake trail of documents, and Nina is my daughter in which Sol sees  as a threat...apparently she's in love with me..." He said saying the last part with disgust.

"Wait what!?"

"It's a lot to take in sir but that the reason still...the whole cheating scandals and all the heartbreaks Sol was the cultivator of everything." Alejandro said crossing his arms.

Suddenly Screams could be heard from the inside of the interrogation room. They were horrifying as off someone was attacking Sol. But the reality was the opposite. Officers ran towards the room one shouting out to call the paramedics.
The lawyer ran out to the family. Catching his breath he looked at the family horrify.

"We took the cuffs she said she was calm enough to talk...but she attacked the detective in charge of the case. This is going to make the whole situation worst! All she wants to do is talk to you, Mason...I just don't know if it's safe." Bronson said in disbelief.

"I'll give it a shot she's my sister." Mason said worryingly.

Mason walked over with the lawyer, inside it was crazy they cuff Sol again and had her seated back down. Her head was down, her once shiny blonde hair was lifeless and uncared for. Mason could only wonder what happen to his sister.

He looked over at the glass window and gulp as he said his sister name "Sola?"

Sol's head popped up and her eyes lit up as if she saw the sun for the first time in ages. "Mason!" Her eyes watered up as she wanted to stand up and take his hands. " You're here I knew you wouldn't abandon me. You love me! That's why you here you love me and not her!" She said smiling. Mason walked over to the chair in front of her Sol's eyes change from bright to confused.

"What's wrong have I done something wrong?" She said softly as she sat down. The family, the lawyer, and the officers were watching from the one-way glass window. Shocked with her "Did I do something wrong?"

"Sol what is going on? You attacked at school! Luckily no one was hurt! You attacked my family! Malia and Nina!! This isn't you...this isn't my kind and sweet sister!" He said raising his voice with concern.

"Your Family? I AM your family! They are nothing I was just trying to get them out of our lives!" Sol said trying to justify her actions.

"How?" Scared with what her answer would be.

" killing them of course she took you away from me and when I finally had you the memory of her took you away from mom and now again that brat of a bastard child is taking you away from me! They need too...POOF be gone!" She said smiling with pride.

Mason shook his head in disbelief, "I was never yours, you are my sister for heavens sake!" Mason said standing up and stepping away from the table.

Sol burst into laughter! "That's what you and me we totally did was amazing even though you were....I'm not sure." her smile faded. She became was you wasn't it. March....12th I think after I came home from Huston with mom.

Frozen in place Mason looks at the window in shock. March 12th was a horrible day for Sol..for everyone in our family. She was kidnapped on that day from our mother when they came back from seeking new cancer treatment. Whatever happened to her that they no one knows. It sent my mom to the hospital causing her a heart attack. She died that day on the way to the hospital. I guess now we know what happens before my father was able to pay the ransom.

 Sol smiled deviously smiles" that result a child, unfortunately, that baby...our baby died in a miscarriage remember when I asked you too keep my miscarriage a secret... it wasn't to keep Jared from knowing it was to keep you from knowing and everyone else. for now" Sol sat up straight and smile, "don't worry you won't miss them when there gone. Oooooh after you got divorce my brilliant plan to separate you from Malia! But Elizabeth falsified the papers...she had to go." She said in a low whisper.

Mason stared horrified with what he hear. He quickly turned away and rushed out of the interrogation room. Shutting the door he turned to his father all of them looking horrified. "I need to go." He said leaving in a rush.

Henry looked into the window angry at the women he called his daughter. Turning to the lawyer. "Do everything in your power to make sure to gets the right psychological help that she needs but keep her away from my family she has done enough damage." He said leaving with Alice.

Alejandro stayed behind looked over at the lawyer. I'm pressing charges for invading my home and endangering my family and staff." He said shaking his head leaving.

As Alejandro walked out he met with Henry and Alice. "Alejandro I would like to meet my granddaughter." He said kindly lending by his hand out. " If you could please forgive us for all that has happen." Alejandro nodded and he took his hand and accepted his apology. 

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