Chapter Two - Never Again

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"You need to tell him or at least let him know." Livia said as she rubbed my back. I sniffle and dried my tears away nodding. I looked at her and closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Your right...he has the right to know at least," I told her. "And I am going to do that right now," I said as I stood up and walked over to my closet picking out jeans and a comfortable red plaid blouse along with grey flats. "Why now? Why not later? Livia asked trying to block my way from my dresser. "Because I want to get this over with and I have work remember at the cafe later in the afternoon," I said as I made my way behind her and cleaned up my face and applied the most natural amount of makeup on with a pale pink matte and shine on my lips. "I'll go tell your mom you're going out," she said leaving the bedroom. "Thank you," I said as I grabbed my handbag.

An hour later I arrived at The Michealson Inc. As I walked into the lobby I walked right pass everyone with all eyes on me. I suppose they're wondering what's the ex-wife doing here. I didn't care at all I stepped into the elevator. With a group of executives "Gentlemen and ladies." I said politely as they returned a hello or nod. We were only 20 floors up and left with three executives. "Please make sure Mason remembers he has the private Humanity charity gala and that he is required a date," I said remember the gala we were supposed to go together to...I don't know why I even remember.

Cheese and sprinkles the elevator doors open and that horrible cucumber lotion smell came rushing into my nostrils. That sense! Making me dizzy, I never liked cucumber lotion has a Halloween type smell, nauseous much.

As I walk out I see Maddy polite smiling face turn into a frown to glare. I walked to her desk as everyone stopped and stared at me "Good day Maddy I need to see Mason is he in his office?" I asked kindly. Rudely she replies "Yes but he's with his "client," she said "Why don't you leave and go with your lover." she said all brave and bold. Behind her, I could hear a couple of the other assistants cheer her on. "Excuse me?" I wasn't confused about the accusations of me having a lover but my ex-husband secretary to know this private information. "Your not the bosses wife you can...." The doors open and out came Elizabeth Renee aka the divorce lawyer with a smiling ex-husband of mine. She was blushing and smiling in her black dress addressing her curves to the world. They didn't see me which is weird I'm the human in plaid!

Mason leaned in and kisses her. My heart broken into million pieces, but then my mind click he's just using her she will be gone by next week. Clearing my throat his eyes widen when he saw me. Ms. Renee blushed and left instantly. " I need to talk to you privately," I said stepping forward. "Make an appointment then Maddy schedule her in nine or in three years I don't know you decide on some month on the 16 at 10:30 am," he said as Maddy nodded and typed in the information "oh and I took the liberty of calling every fashion-related agencies with the assistance of one of my assistants who volunteered to help to not hire you so I hope you enjoy minimum wage.." He said like my dreams didn't matter to him anymore. That is his blood boiled, I worked my ass in college to fulfill my dreams and now that he...he..he.I just want to die! My dreams, my goals, my baby! How am I supposed to raise a child on my own if I have multiple jobs and not the field I love! get a minimum wages job and work my life and miss all the important milestone of my baby. He hit it! Please prepare for an ultimatum.

"Maddison cancels that appointment I won't be able to attend I might be in labor alone in nine months or busy with a small child in three years," I said boldly. My words stopped everyone and everything around me. Mason stopped and looked up and saw the tear streaming down.

"Your lying you can't be! That's not my child. I'm sure it's your lover's child! You whore!" he yelled out again he hit the button again.

I walked up to him and in front of all his employees and clients I slapped him across his angelic and God-like face. "NEVER IN YOUR MISERABLE LIFE CALL ME A WHORE AGAIN!" I shouted.

"I only came here to inform you that I am having YOUR child! But please clear this one detail for me....what is the man's name that I supposedly cheated on you on? hmm, cause I have no idea who the hell he is!" I said with all honesty. The people around me, I can hear their whispers, their gossip. Mason just stood there stuck his shocked expression. "Madison I'm sure you know what's the bastard's name? Since you obviously know all the gossip of the office and everything right?" I said giving her my death glare. "Alejandro Posada" she even took the newspaper with the picture and article even. I looked over it and it looks so familiar and then it clicked I remember him, I remember that day. I looked up at Mason and started laughing, "I regret the day I let your playboy ass into my heart!" I said I held the paper up and made the announcement, "This is a set up because on that day I was in there with Chief Botiago and Alejandro Posada was trying the women's committee samples for the charity we went too together three months ago and I was designing another "Michealson design" remember his mother's party, Mason? The dress she wore?" I shook my head as people started to realize what I was saying. "Your gullible and insecure ass has been greatly manipulated."

"You destroy our marriage, my trust, and ruin my future!" I walked away with paper in hand and I stop turning around. "Look at me! Look at me real good Mason because this is the last time you will ever see my face and the child I hold here he or she will never know you! And know that it is your fault." I said as I left the lobby and went straight to the elevator. Mason shouted my name and ran towards me. I wanted to turn around and forgive him but the doors open and I stepped in and I was gone. I managed to sneak out of the building without being seen but they saw me they just didn't say anything!

I stopped by a cafe shop and order a fruit platter before heading into my upcoming shift. As I ate I think fate struck me, it was him Alejandro Posada walked through those doors. My teary eyes met with his dark brown eyes. "You" he walked over to me and he looked down at the table seeing the paper.

"I heard about your marriage I am so sorry," he said kindly. Sighting, I wiped my tears away. "It's ok I'll survive just need to find another job and go to the health department..I'm divorced and pregnant," I told him his eyes widen as my tears just rained on.

"You'll find a job you're an extraordinary designer." I smile, "Mason blocked all my ties to the fashion world I called 10 companies and all said, "No we're not hiring" but I can hear their lies." I Wiped more tears away as he looked down. " I just want a new life and to disappear and never be seen again with my baby." And suddenly his head looked up "I have an idea", he leaned into me and whispered, "Marry me?" I blinked several times "what" flabbergasted I cocked my head confused and all. "Just say yes, I can give you my name and help you regain your name in the fashion world anonymously, and your baby will have a family and security," he said it all sounded nice but I don't love him.

"I'm sorry, but no I won't marry you I don't even have feelings for you only as a friend," I said truthfully. Alejandro nodded. "I'm ok with that I'm gay anyway so the feeling is mutual. I'm not opposed to living a lie I've been doing it my whole life thanks to my grandparent's old values," he said clearing it up. It all made sense now literally why he was never seen with women but a few but mostly men.

"What do you say disappear off the planet..which I mean country, raise your baby in a safe environment, make your designer dream come true, make a badass comeback, and inherit me as your best friend and "husband" hmm" I laughed as another man joined us.

"This is my boyfriend," he said in a whisper "Jonathan, Jonathan this is my "future wife," he said as he gave him a crazy look. " I didn't even give you an answer!" I said quickly. "I'm just assuming you'll say yes so I can finally go to my Abuelita and tell her I getting married so she can stop pairing me up with women and he'll live with us he's my live-in assistant but people are getting suspicious," he said as they both took my hands. I helped him once and now he's returning the favor....big time.




I looked out the window and saw Mason standing there staring at me. I looked away and started asking about investigating who did this to us because it causes more problems on his side than mine. Alejandro looked behind me as he was on the phone talking to a lawyer about the newspaper. In the end, once Alejandro took my hand Mason left like he lost everything.

One day I will confront him and prove to him my innocence not for our love for dignity.

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