Chapter Six -Baby Posada

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"MAKE IT STOP!! IT HURTS!" tears streamed as the doctor prepares everything around me for the arrival of my baby. These past nine months have been wonderful while my husband has caved into my every Nutella craving....did you know Nutella makes pickles taste yummy...I hate pickles their gross but I've been munching on them for months now!

I have been under the radar living in a lake country villa...reminds me of the Villa House in Star Wars episode two: attack of the clones. Yeah, I watched deep down I'm a Star Wars nerd. I love this place it is so serene and peaceful. Alejandro came back and for to keep the appearance and our marriage under wrap. Meanwhile, I have been drawing and designing like mad! Italy is inspiring, everything from vintage to modern...ugh here comes another contraction. Screaming in pain the doors slam open and in for the comforting rescue comes Alejandro.

The nurse checked how dilated she is. " 7 inches she's almost there." The doctor said before leaving. "almost there!" Alejandro reminded me to do my breathing but I kept forgetting with the massive pains of the contractions as the contraction grew closer together. Three hours later and I was sweating bullets as my contractions started up. The doctor comes in with his staff. "It's time." She said as the nurse asked Alejandro to leave for a few minutes.

What seem liked forever were only a few minutes ...Alejandro finally returned straight to my side as the doctor and nurse moved around the room. My feet were put on the stands and the doctor stood in front of me. "On the count of three Mrs. Posada push."

The doctor counted to three and my instincts kicked in and I pushed. I didn't even scream I grunted in pain to push my child out. Taking three long deep breaths I pushed. Alejandro cheering me on. "Your doing great babe," he said. Time seems to be moving slow. I looked up at my husband and for a split second, I wished Mason was the one supporting me. But a contraction contracted me on my abdominal reminding me to push as time started to push again. On my third push I couldn't contain it anymore I screamed in with tears streaming down as the doctor announces  "The baby is more." he said as I took short breaths and push one more time closing my eyes as I push. I open my eyes to the sound of a baby crying. Alejandro rejoices at the sight of "our" baby.

Alejandro cut the umbilical cord and smiled like a proud father when he saw her. The nurse and cleaned our baby from the bodily fluids. When they handed him our daughter he cried like she was actually his and in a way she was. He watched my stomach grow with her in it, he talked to her, sang to her. He walked over to me and placed her into my arms and kissed my head.

"Her name?" the nurse asked.

"Nikalina Rosa Posada...Nina for short." I responded in my mind I could see Mason's smile if he were to be here. I can imagine his smile, his tears, his joy.  When he finds out about her he will kill me but it's his fault as I told him. Nikalina was the name of the mother he lost... to cancer and I promised her if I were to ever have a child, a daughter.  I would honor her by naming the child after her. 

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