Chapter 2

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(Amori in MM)

Amori exited the bedroom and headed into the kitchen the following morning to find her sisters and her mother all in her kitchen having their morning tea with breakfast. "I thought we were meeting at Cali's this morning." She said annoyed. She was far from the best mood due to Luca being a pain the minute Dallas arrived to town. Now she had to deal with her mother and sisters as well. "We were. It was moms idea to come here instead. She figured you'd be late so she wanted to be here instead." Cali answered. Amori grabbed her mug of tea and took a seat. Everyone eyeballed her as she took a few sips. She looked up to find everyone staring. "What am I getting the stare down for?" She asked as she ate a few bites of her fruit salad without cottage cheese. No one spoke. They all looked towards their mother, who sighed before taking a sip of tea. "Is anyone gonna speak or just stare?" She said with an attitude. Beverly sat her mug down and grabbed her hand. "You girls father called the other night." Amori looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "He wanted to talk to all of you. He's in town this week and wants to have lunch with the four of you." Amori pulled her hand back while shaking her head and cleaning up her mess. "That's not all." She said. Amori leaned against the counter with her arms folded with an irritated expression written on her face. "What could possibly be worse than that?" She asked. Beverly sighed and walked over to her holding her hands. "I was contacted by the foster care system and was informed that you had a brother trying to find you. My number was the last on your records so they came to me with the information. I can give you the number but only if you want me too." Amori took a breath and walked away. Beverly followed behind her with concern. She watched as she rummaged through her clothes for as something to wear for the day. "Amori." She paused her movements. "They do not get to come turn my life upside down like that. I won't let them." She pulled on an all white t-shirt, a pair of jean shorts and a red pair of chucks before doing her make up. Beverly walked to her vanity and grabbed her hand gently. She looked her in the eyes in the mirror. "No one can mess up anything that you don't allow them to. No matter what papers or anyone else may say, we are family and you are my daughter. I love you and nothing changes that." Amori took a deep breath. "I love you too." She told her finally calming down.

"Before you hang up, please. Just listen." He sighed and listened but didn't speak a word. "Emmett needs you Dallas. You're his father. Regardless of what the courts say. You've been there for everything. He knows you. I messed up. More times than we can count but it doesn't mean I don't love this family or you. Just please can we work this out?" Erica begged over the phone. Dallas sighed deeply. They had history but he didn't want to go through all of this all over again. "You can bring my son over next week. Nothing more. Nothing less. Bye Erica." He hung up the phone before walking into the gym. It had been a long day at the center and it was almost basketball season so he was staying in shape. He climbed on a treadmill, placed his headphones in and ran for about an hour. Climbing off and walking to another area, he was stopped. "Dallas Johnson right?" He raised an eyebrow. "We didn't really get to meet the other night. I'm Luca Debeaux (De-bow). Amori's boyfriend." Dallas nodded watching the smirk of dominance take over his face. "Is there something I can help you with?" Dallas asked unphased. "Yes actually. I need you to stay away Amori." Dallas chuckled. "Amori's a big girl. She can speak for herself. If she doesn't want me around then she can tell me but until then I'll see you." Dallas walked away and decided to just leave. As he was about to stop and get dinner when his phone rang in the car and displayed Amori's name. "Hello beautiful." He answered happily. He heard sniffling on the other side of the phone. "Can you come over?" He finally heard said softly. "Be there in 10." He hung up and stopped by the store instead.

Minutes prior to calling Dallas that night, Amori's phone rang and she saw Luca's name cross the screen. She was still processing the information her mother had given her today that'd captured her thoughts instantly. After the third time of calling she finally decided to answer. "Yes Luca?" She answered annoyed and drained. "I called twice already. Why didn't you answer your phone?" She rolled her eyes. "It was in the room. I was talking to my mom and sisters in the kitchen. They just left Luca." He scoffed and gave a dry chuckle. "I want you to stay away from Dallas Johnson Amori." He demanded. She chuckled. "I'm not a child Luca. You either trust me or not. I'm not asking your permission to talk to him." Luca was getting frustrated with her attitude and it hadn't even been a week. "He's a friend Luca. What the hell are you so paranoid about? Last I checked, I was with you." Luca wasn't trying to hear that. "Friend or not Ri, I don't trust him around you. I know the kind of guy he is. He's a player. He has a fiancé and a kid." She stood up. "You background checked him!?" She shouted into the phone. "I only checked priors Ri." She sighed. "That still doesn't make it right Luca. I never expected you to be this insecure." Luca became furious with how she defended him. "He has a family Ri so why do you care about keeping in contact? What's so important about him because you didn't speak of him until he came to town." Amori was annoyed and her emotions were all over the place. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Luca and his crazy obsessions. "He was my best friend Luca!" She said dramatically dragging his name. "I can't give you anymore explanation than that." Luca sighed on the other end. "He WAS Amori. Look I'm just trying to protect what we have Ri." She shook her head. "You're doing the complete opposite." She told him. "I'm trying here." She looked at her stressed face in the mirror. "Goodnight Luca." She said before hanging up. Everything from the day had become too much at the moment and as strong as she'd been all day she couldn't take it anymore.

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