Trying to find Azazel

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We we've been trying to find Azazel by finding out there have been house fires with mothers burning on the ceiling.
"Kas take a break from the research." Sam told me
"Why should I I'm on the target list for this demon."
"Your being a nerd." I hear Ben yell
"Shut up Ben!"
"Kas you haven't slept at all in the last week."
"I've slept."
"Well I sleep for maybe two hours a day."
"Kas take a break."
"You want us to send you to Jodie's."
"Go sleep then."
"Why you guys run on what like four hours or less on sleep."
"But we're adults."
"Kas stop doing research now." Sam snapped at me
"Ok fine."
After I go to my room I go onto my computer and start finding out his locations writing them on the map. I found out the kids parents he's killing all have one year old kids.
I finally got interrupted from research when Cas flew in.
"Cas!!" I yell
"Hello Kas. What have you been doing."
"Um well there's a demon involved."
"What type."
"I don't know it's names Azazel."
"I thought he was dead."
"Well he's back with Lilith."
"If he is truly back that means that there will be a war between humans and demons."
"You think I don't know that Cas."
"He's going to want the strongest children he can find on this short notice."
"Yeah I know."
"And there are angel children like you."
"He'll want you to join him."
"I know that."
"We need to keep you safe."
"Why I won't do anything stupid."
"Kas your a teenage girl they do a lot of stupid things."
"Oh shut up Cas I'm not like them."
"Kas we have to keep you safe."
"Why your not here half the time anyways."
"I am still your father."
"And your point."
"I would like you to not have demon blood in you."
"Why is yellow eyes after me anyways."
"He already he's hundreds of kids your age and he needs you to join them and your the youngest."
"Why does being the youngest in the house matter."
"Azazel takes the youngest to be in his army."
"Ok and why does he want me in his army exactly?"
"Because your stronger and you are half angel."
"Ok who are some kids I may know in this war."
"Do you know a Toby?"
"Yes from where?"
"Last seen at Souix falls middle school."
"Yep he's here now. "
"He's a part of the war so I'd his friend Kayliegh."
"She's here to."
"There both part of this war."
"Yes Kas they are when they were a year old there mothers burned on the ceiling like Mary did."
After finding all that out I was upset because my friends have demon blood in them.

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