Chapter 1 - The Ellen Show

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Ashley's P.O.V.
"Ashley", Kayla shrieked through the phone.
"Yes", I responded.
"Turn your tv onto the Ellen show now", Kayla said over dramatically.
I did as I was told, turning my tv on and flipping through the channels until I reached the Ellen show. I shrieked once I realized Justin Bieber was on her show!
"Ashley please you are going to kill my poor eardrums", my best friend spoke through the phone.
"What did you expect it's JB on TV. Oh and Cady is with him as usual", I replied disappointed he was still with the cheating woman.
"Alright woman unlock these balcony doors before I freeze my ass off", Kayla told me.
"Did you misplace your key woman", I replied.
"Just open these damn doors, I climbed up from my balcony" , Kayla said.

"We literally live in the same house, why didn't you just go up the stairs", I ask Kayla? Laughing hysterically.

I walked over and opened my balcony doors staring at my best friend whose just in her yoga pants and a t-shirt. She walked right into my room. Grabbed a soda from the mini fridge and placed a bag of popcorn in the microwave that set on top of the fridge. I glanced over at her as she grabbed her blanket and sat next to me.

"Dude what's up" , I said to her.
" I heard this is going to be one of the best episodes of the Ellen show yet, with Justin Bieber in it" , Kayla replied.

We continued watching the Ellen show. Kayla got her popcorn out of the microwave and we watched the show. Justin Bieber performed his song Purpose, his face looked so sad while he was performing it. Kayla and I glanced at each other with that knowing look. Cady was literally on her phone during his performance and I mean come on she's on the Ellen show and her boyfriend is performing, really playing on your phone. After his performance was over, Kayla and I sat there watching Ellen ask Justin some questions. Ellen asked Justin when he was thinking about proposing to Cady and that's when it all went down.

"PROPOSING! WHAT?! NO, This can't be happening", I Said.
"I did not expect this", Kayla said sadly.

We both watched intently as the show continued. Justin totally ignored the question Ellen had asked and went on to the next one. Of course Ellen brought it back up. And Justin said that he was never proposing to Cady. Cady shot up and looked at Justin with fake sad eyes and then got super mad. Bipolar much? I thought. Ellen asked, "Justin you aren't ever proposing to her" Justin replied, " No Ellen".
Justin then turned to Cady and said, "we are over, I can't be with someone I can't trust". And then the show just stopped, cut off.
I blinked... What .. Just.. Happened. I tried to process Justin and Cady's breakup. But I couldn't. I may have hated her, but that was not what I expected.

I shut off the tv and looked at Kayla.

"Now that's more like it" , Kayla said.

We both just started bursting out laughing. Kayla just shrugged.

Justin Bieber and Cady had broken up ...

I looked at Kayla then at the time. I almost had a heart attack.
"Kayla we have to be up in 4 hours for class" , I said.

Kayla groaned.

She walked out of my room and into hers across the hall. I curled up under my covers and went to bed.


I woke up to my alarming going off. I hopped in the shower washing my hair thoroughly. I washed my body off. Wrapping a towel on my head and one around my body. I banged on Kayla's door.

"Get up, it's 7:30" , I told Kayla.

She groaned getting up.
"You better of left me some hot water" , Kayla said.
"I did", I said to her.

I walked into my room. I blow dried my hair, brushing it out once I was done. My long auburn brown hair falling down to my butt. I put on light wash skinny jeans, black Steve Madden boots, and a red v-neck. I did my make up, brush my teeth, deodorant, all that fun stuff to do in the morning. I walk out of my room at 8 and Kayla is standing against her door with her dark brown hair blow dried as well in a high pony tail, boot cut jeans , cowgirl boots, and her black v-neck. We walked out of our house, got in my car, and drove to class. We arrived at the school at 8:45. I went to criminal justice while she headed to one of her EMT classes. We met up after our classes had finished at 11 and left. On the way home we heard about winning Justin Bieber tickets on the radio. We called randomly at 3 when it said to.
"Hello lucky number called 47" , said the radio person.
"I won" , is all you could hear Kayla screech.
" yes ma'm, you just won yourself two front row Justin Bieber tickets and back stage passes, and also you get to see Justin before the show as well", The man said.
Kayla gave the man our address and he said our tickets and all other information would come
in the package.

I glanced over at Kayla. We going to the JB concert and get to meet him!!!!!!!

"Well looks like we better go shopping we got your famous pop star to meet and a concert to attend" , she smiled.

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