Let's Talk

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Everybody was out by the buses waiting on Jimi to call from the jail. Karen's phone than rang, it was Jimi. "Hello... Yes I'll accept" Karen said over the phone! "Is it him" Luke asked about Jimi? Karen shook her head yes and put her phone on speaker mode.
JIMI: Hey, you there?
KAREN: Yes! I got you on speaker phone, so everybody can hear you! PHILLIP: Heard anythin' bout gettin' out soon?
JIMI: They said it's goin' through the court process as we speak! So hopefully soon!
SCHLAPPY: Alright good! Just sit tight man, and we'll get you out!
JIMI: Alright!
KAREN: We are actually fixin to head down to the jailhouse to wait for your release!
Jimi: Define we??? Like as in everybody???
Karen: No! Just Bobby and I!
Jimi: Oh ok!
Karen: Why? Is that fine?
Jimi: Yeah, I was just wonderin! But hey, they're tellin me to wrap it up!
Karen: Ok, I love you!
Jimi: Love you too! Bye!
Karen: Bye, and see you in a few! We are actually gettin in the car right now!
Before Jimi could answer Karen to let her know he heard her, the guard hung up the phone on him. So Bobby and Karen drove down to the local jailhouse to wait on Jimi to be release, which didn't take that long once they got there.

Jimi came through the release doors at the jailhouse, with what you could say a relief smile. The smile wasn't just because he was being released from police custody, but more so that Karen was there waiting on him. When Karen seen Jimi she immediately jumped up and ran to Jimi's arms with a big ole smile. As soon as they made contact, they hugged and kissed. "You don't know how much I've missed doin that" Jimi told Karen with a smile! A smile appeared on Karen's face. "Mr.Westbrook, here are your things back" the officer on the other glass told Jimi! "Ok, thank you Ma'am" Jimi said as he grabbed his things out of the little container the officer handed him! The last thing Jimi got out of the little container was his wedding band, which he slipped on his finger proudly with a smile."When we get back to the buses we're talkin" Karen told Jimi with a serious look! "Fair enough, as long as I'm with you" Jimi said with a smile! "Ok let's head back" Bobby told Jimi and Karen as he guided them towards the exit! Jimi held the door open for Bobby and Karen, then he opened the car door for Karen. They all 3 got in the car and went back to the buses. "Jimi man" Phillip said as he ran up to Jimi to give him a hug! "Hey" Jimi responded! "Damn, he fucked your eye up" Luke told Jimi! Jimi just gave Luke the evil eye. "Don't remind me" Jimi said! "Sorry, too soon?! Didn't mean to hit a nerve" Luke said with a I didn't mean it look on his face! "Nah, you're fine man" Jimi told Luke! "I'm sorry, but y'all can check up on him later! We got some talkin' to do" Karen told everybody as she looked at Jimi! "No, excuse us" BK responded with a half smirk! "Yeah, y'all two go talk it out" Kimberly said as she waved her hand towards their bus! Jimi walked to the bus and opened the door for Karen, then followed her on shutting the door behind them both.

Karen sat down across from Jimi on the couch with a cup of coffee in hand. "So" Karen said looking at Jimi?! "So? What" Jimi asked? "Why'd you let me walk out the door that day? Why didn't you stop me? What happened to us" Karen responded?! Jimi sat there for a moment not knowing what to say. "I... I don't know" Jimi said shrugging his shoulders as he looked to the ground! "What do you mean you don't know" Karen kinda raised her voice! "I thought you were givin up on our marriage" Jimi said in a disappointing tone! "What? Why would you even think that" Karen confusingly asked? "The signs you were givin" Jimi said! "What are you talkin about? What signs?", Karen was beyond confused. 'Why would he even think that' Karen thought to herself?! Karen crossed her arms and waited to hear her husband's explanation for all of this. "Every time I would try to plan for us to do somethin together, you didn't feel like it or you'd already had plans! Or even when I'd try to touch or get near you, it felt like you would distance yourself from me" Jimi told Karen! "I had a lot on me then and didn't realize I was doin any of that! But why didn't you stop me from walkin out the door that day?!" Karen curiously asked! "Cause I couldn't have been the only one fighting for what I thought wasn't there anymore" Jimi responded as he moved next to Karen on the couch! "Then why didn't you try to talk to me about it" Karen asked?! "I did try, that's just it" Jimi responded! "When? When did you try" Karen asked kinda raising her voice?! "Wait, what did you mean bout you had a lot on you? Is there somethin else I should know besides you carrying our baby?" Jimi curiously asked?! Karen just kinda looked away as she got up off the couch. "Karen Babe, what aren't you tellin me?" Jimi asked as he got up after her and grabbed her arm?! Karen wouldn't turn around to face him. Jimi then made Karen turn around towards him, but she still wouldn't look at him. "That baby in there is mine, right" Jimi asked as he put his hand on her stomach?! "What? Of course, your the only man I've been sexually with" Karen quickly responded as she looked at him with tears! "Then what is it" Jimi asked worrying?! He was determined to find out what his wife knew that he didn't know. 'Why is she cryin' he asked hisself?!

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