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They took Jimi and Karen into separate interrogation rooms for questioning. "Alright Mrs.Fairchild" Officer Gunter started to say as he walked into Karen's room! "Westbrook" Karen politely said with a stern look! "Excuse me" Officer Gunter asked? "Westbrook, Mrs.Westbrook" Karen answered! "Ok... Mrs.Westbrook, what's your relation with Mr.Sanders" Officer Gunter asked? "What relation? He used to work for us" Karen responded! "So y'all weren't romantically involved" Officer Gunter asked? "No! I mean we were talkin' at one time, but that was like a couple months ago" Karen responded! "Were you or were you not romantically involved with Mr.Sanders" Officer Gunter repeated?! "No! Where's Jimi" Karen agitatedly asked? "Jimi, he's fine! Now when you say y'all were talkin' at one time, are you meaning romantically" Officer Gunter repeatedly asked? "No, for the last time" Karen kinda yelled, she was getting angrier by the minute! "Please don't raise your voice at me" Officer Gunter said! "Then quit askin' the same damn question" Karen agitatedly responded! Officer Gunter sat there for a moment writing some things down in front of him. "Ok, just hold tight and we'll be back" Officer Gunter told Karen as he got up and walked out of the room! Down the hall Jimi was in a room handcuffed to a table waiting on an officer to come in to talk to him. Finally a detective walked in. "Hello Mr.Westbrook, I'm Detective Hooper" the detective told Jimi as he shook his unhandcuffed arm as he continued, "I would like to ask you some questions regarding Mr.Sanders"?! "What about the asshole do you wanna know" Jimi angrily asked? "I take it y'all weren't on good terms" Detective Hooper asked? "Well no, he tried to seduce my wife! I mean I've known him since middle school, but he's on my shit list now" Jimi said as he was getting angry by just talking about it! "Ok, so you had motive to do something?! When was the last time you've spoken to Mr.Sanders" Detective Hooper asked? "Early yesterday evening, we had a little altercation out by the buses" Jimi responded! "A little altercation" Detective Hooper asked raising an eyebrow? Jimi nodded yes with annoyance. "And what was this altercation about" Detective Hooper asked? "Tryin to seduce my wife! What part of that aren't you comprehendin" Jimi angrily asked?! "Please sir, keep calm" Detective Hooper told Jimi! "I'm tryin, but you keep askin the same stupid shit over and over" Jimi angrily but calmly replied! "Did I hear a bit of an attitude there" Detective Hooper asked aloud?! "No, but I can give you attitude if that's what you need" Jimi sarcastically asked?! "No dammit, what I need is for you to cooperate" Detective Hooper angrily yelled! Jimi sat there for a moment, finally he spoke back, "I need you to lower your voice"! "Damnit, I give the orders in here! Not you" Detective Hooper yelled at Jimi! Officer Gunter then walked in the room, "She's not cooperating either", he told Detective Hooper about Karen! "Ok thanks for the update" Detective Hooper responded! Officer Gunter then walked out the door. "You can't hold us in here" Jimi told Detective Hooper talking about himself and Karen! "And you can't leave" Detective Hooper responded! "I need to see my wife" Jimi said calmly! "You walk out the door..." Detective Hooper started to say! "I need to see my wife" Jimi loudly interrupted! "You walk out the door and you..." Detective Hooper started to say again but louder! "Get me my wife" Jimi angrily yelled! "You wanna see your wife, then tell me what I want to know" Detective Hooper sternly yelled back at Jimi as he slammed his hand down on the table! "Damnit, I already told you what I know" Jimi then yelled! "Okay fine" Detective Hooper agitatedly responded as he shook his head! Detective Hooper finished writing down whatever he was writing in his notes, then he got up to leave. "I'll be back" Detective Hooper agitatedly told Jimi as he walked out and shut the door behind him! "Damnit" Jimi yelled as he stood up and kicked his chair while still cuffed to the table!

The law enforcement kept Jimi and Karen there as long as they could, until they finally had to let them go. But luckily, Jimi and Karen made it back to the venue just in time for like an hour to spare before they went on stage to perform. FGL were finishing up their performance. "Hey, how'd it go down there" Phillip asked as soon as he saw Jimi and Karen?! "Not right now, wait 'til after the show tonight" Jimi responded! "Sure enough" Phillip respectively said! "I'm gonna go let everyone know y'all are back" Bobby told Jimi and Karen! "Alright! And can you find me some ice please" Jimi asked Bobby? "Yeah sure! Oh, and y'all still gonna play tonight right" Bobby asked the members of LBT? "Yeah, why wouldn't we" Karen curiously asked? "With everythin' that's been goin' on I wasn't quite sure", Bobby responded! "Oh yeah, we can't disappoint our fans" Jimi replied with a smile! Bobby nodded with a smile and walked off to give everybody an update. FGL had just finished up their set and was coming back stage with Luke. "Before y'all say anythin'... Not right now, we'll talk about it after the show" Jimi assured FGL and Luke! "Yes sir" T-Hubb replied with BK and Luke nodding in agreement! Tucker, one of LBT's bus drivers, popped his head in the room "The kids are here", he told the members of LBT! "Okay, thank you sir" Jimi replied with a smile! "My pleasure" Tucker responded as he walked off! "Let me go brighten the boys night! They're gonna be excited that they have some others to play with now" Luke said as he walked off also! "What we gonna tell Elijah" Karen asked Jimi? "What do mean" Jimi asked not really sure what Karen meant?! "About why your eye and mouth is all busted up, and why your one wrist is all bruised" Karen replied concerned! "We'll tell him that..." Jimi started to say but got interrupted by a little mini Jimi! "Mama! Daddy" Elijah came running to them with the biggest smile ever! "Hey baby" Karen said as she picked Elijah up! "I missid you" Elijah replied as he wrapped his little arms around Karen's neck! "Really?! Cause I missed you also" Karen said as she returned the hug and kissed her son's head! Elijah then was kinda looking around the room uncomfortable, everybody noticed. "What's the matter buddy" Jimi curiously asked Elijah? Elijah then reached over for Jimi to grab him, so he did. "What's wrong? Why do you look scared" Jimi asked in a fatherly tone? "Where's Mama friend" Elijah asked in a terrified tone? "Who? Jensen" Jimi replied! Elijah shook his head yes. "He went away forever" Jimi said as looked over at Karen! "So I won't ever see him again" Elijah asked? "Nope" Jimi replied with a smile! Elijah then a huge relief look on his face. Jimi and Karen noticed Elijah's reaction, as did everyone else that was in the room, but they decided to talk to him about it after the show.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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