Our Family

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Hello :)

For those who have read my stories, sorry for not updating in such a long time! It has just been a very busy past couple of months and never have the time to sit down and write anything.

This story i am just writing now. I've wanted to write one like this for a while now, so i am going to wing it and type it straight up. When i read fanfics they all ways tend to stay on the same lines as they TV show or the characters story, so this fanfic will have nothing to do with the Arrow but will have all the original characters (which i do not own). So please enjoy and please feel free to leave your feed back as it helps me alot :)


Felictiy Smoak

Oliver Queen

Emily Queen

Stephen Queen



"Emily, do not talk to your mother like that!"

Oh hello, didn't see you there, i'm Felicity, Felicity Smo- Queen, i mean Queen. Me and Oliver have only been married 6 years and What?! I am still not used to being called Mrs Queen. Yes i know it's been 6 years but since i was born i had the name Smoak i loved it. I love Queen, don't get me wrong, but when you have had one name for all your life and for it to change forever after marriage, it takes a while to get used to. Okay okay, i should have got used to it by now, but i haven't okay. Anyway, s you can see, we have a Daughter, Emily Queen. Her birthday is tomorrow, she will be 9. Yes i know what you're thinking, Emily was born 3 years before me and Oliver were married, but we didn't really plan Emily. Oh i love my gorgeous girl to the moon and back and wouldn't change her for anything, but when i found out i was pregnant, well lets just say that is when everything became difficult, you know, dating a Queen, well the playboy Mr Oliver Queen. You see, i was working for Oliver at the time he get me pregnant, lets just say his Mother Moira Queen was not too pleased about this. Said it was giving QC a bad name. Yeah i know it shouldn't have happened the way it did, but Oliver changed for the better and now i don't have one single regret.

"Mummy, i can't find Mr Snuggles"

"Have you checked under your bed?"

"No, i'll do that now"

That was Stephen, our 4 year old son. We planned for him, we had'nt wanted him so quick into the marriage but this time we knew what to do and had a stable home and marriage. He is just like me, clever little boy and loves his computers and gadgets. Emily on the other hand is just like her father, well his rebellious old self. She likes to, well lets just say Emily likes to live life to the max, sometimes a little too much. Anyway enough of me talking , i will just let you in on a normal Friday in the Queen house and i will let you make your own decisions on our little family.

Stephen runs into the room sliding across the wooden floor, still in his pj's and slippers, half shouting, half singing with the biggest grin on his face

"Mummy, i found him! he was asleep under the bed"

Felicity just sits and watches her handsome son with the biggest smile on her face

"see, i told you he would be under there"

Mr Snuggles is my FAVOURITE teddy bear! He goes everywhere with me, and i mean everywhere, apart from the bath because mummy says he doesn't like the water and will become poorly, so he sits and watches instead.

"Babe, have you seen my shoes?" Oliver walks in wearing his very well fitted light grey suit that Felicity can't help but stare at.

What?! My husband is one gorgeous man, i mean look at him, everything about him is just perfect, his eyes, his smile, the way that suit fits his amazing muscles, the way he smells, the way he

Okay babe, i think they get that you're in love with everything about me

Sorry got a little carried away, love you babe

Love you too baby

"your shoes are by the door" i shake my head, he always leaves them there and still forgets

Emily runs down the stairs wearing short denim shorts, boots and a small vest top and her hair in a messy bun.

"I do not think so young lady, go upstairs right now and put some clothes on"

"But dad, there is nothing wrong with what i am wearing, right mum?"

"listen to your dad sweetheart"

Why do my parents hate me? I mean, i'm 9, i should be allowed to wear what i want! Mum always wears short dresses and skirts

That's because your mother is a grown woman and can wear what she wants and her skirts aren't that short

What ever you say daddio

Watch it young lady

Okay okay, i'm sorry. I just feel like you hate me

Why would i hate you? You're my gorgeous baby girl, i love you and always will

Wow dad, i wasn't expecting you to be that soppy so early in the morning?

Yeah well your mother is here and i have to be extra nice

Hey! Have you got something to say Mr Queen

Nothing at all Mrs Queen, i just love you very much

I love you you too honey

Ugh, please just get a room

Do you love me too mummy & daddy?

Yes of course we do buddy

To the moon and back sweetheart

Yay, mummy and daddy love me! Do you love me too Emily?


Be nice Emily, he is your brother

Yeah Emily, i am only 4, be nice

Yes i love you too, you monkey

Okay guys we have to get going other wise we are all going to be late

Hurry up

Okay, so we have to go now as we have to get the kids to school and ourselves to work and yes, i do still work at QC, but i am now head of the IT department because when me and Oliver got married and moved in together i didn't want to be in each others pockets at work, so decided to give him some space.


Yes okay, i'm coming, bye for now :)


Okay, so i am not sure about this one? I kinda liked the way i wrote it but i am not sure? Please leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments below and let me know if you would like a part 2?

And sorry it is so short...

Thank you for reading :)

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