We need you, I need you.

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Sorry it has taken me to long to update but I didn't feel as if my writing was very good. I have basic stories written but I don't feel they are good enough. This was a little one I thought up of, let me know what you think.

Feed back and ideas would mean a lot :).

Thank you and enjoy :) x

Today marks three months since Oliver's return and three lonely months without his favourite blonde IT girl, Felicity Smoak. When Oliver had returned, Felicity had told him she didn't want to be the woman he loved. Saying this broke Oliver's heart but not as much as it broke hers. When Oliver had left to fight Ra's, Felicity spent many sleepless nights sat in the dark of the arrow cave. She would picture Oliver working out topless, or bossing everyone around & getting angry. In the end it drover her crazy and she couldn't even enter the liar anymore. After she had told Oliver she didn't want to be the women he loved, she quickly turned around and walked away. Felicity knew in her heart if she had stayed to listen to his response, it would have made her stay. She was so in love with him that even the tiniest smile from Oliver would make her weak at the knees. She never understood how he could do that to her.

Because Felicity wasn't helping Oliver with his crime fighting business, she decided to pour all her time and effort into helping Ray at Palmers Technology. As much as she had tried to forget about Oliver it was not working. There would be something she would see or someone would mention his name and her heart would just brake over and over again. Ray had noticed how down she had been and decided to let her have a day off to rest.

Of course a day off for Felicity meant sitting on her sofa eating mint choc chip ice cream watching soppy love stories that really she hated but for some reason couldn't turn off.She had no idea what she was watching, but the male role had just sacrificed his own life to save the love of his life, when there was a knock at the door. Felicity quickly wiped away the tears, sorted her hair out and walked to the door.

"I told you, if you need anything ca..."

Felicity just froze where she was. She automatically thought it was Ray after the 4 calls & so many texts he had sent her that day. But standing in her door way was Oliver Queen. The Oliver Queen she was still madly in love with.

"I was out for a run when i passed your house and saw your lights on. Aren't you meant to be at work? Is everything okay Felicity, have you been crying?"

Felicity thought it was sweet that he cared but she was too upset and angry.

"Cut the crap Oliver"

Felicity couldn't help it, she just snapped.

"What do you really want?!"

Oliver sighed.

"Team Arrow needs you. None of us know how to run most of the programs on your computers, we are messing it all up"

Oliver knew he was too late but he had to get it off his chest. He had to make sure she knew,

"To tell you the truth I need you! I'm lost without you Felicity. When I had said I love you before I went, I meant it. When you walked away from me I seriously thought about everything you had said about Merlyn and i never did train with him. I actually haven't seen him at all. I chose not to train with him because I love you and what you think and say means so much to me. Felicity you're my light, my soul, my world. My life is dark without you, so please come home Felicity. We need you! I need you!"

Without thinking about it Felicity grabs Oliver's shirt, pulls him in and puts her lips to him. The sweet taste of his lips, the warmth from his breathe. All of there love poured into one kiss. One kiss that Felicity thought she would never have. One kiss that would change Oliver & Felicity's lives forever. One kiss that proved their feelings for one another are real. Felicity wraps her arms around her neck and slowly pulls away looking into his eyes.

"Who's the one babbling now?"

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