And... Wait... Did he just call me dad?!

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So, i deiced to write a short story in Oliver's POV as i always do them in Felicity's. This short story is how Felicity acts when she finds about William. I haven't written this on how i thing it happens or how i want it to happen, i was just writing and ended up with this, so i hope you enjoy :)


It's funny how things turn out. I mean, i was stuck on an island for five years, it took me a very long time to be able to trust people, i lost my dad, my bestfriend, my mum, i thought i had lost Sara and Thea twice, i had betrayed my brother and put his wife and child in harms way (it took me along time to get Diggle's trust back, he is a loyal, whole hearted man who didn't deserve any of that), i had to push the one person i love the most away because i thought i was protecting her (yes i know what you are all thinking, it was her choice to make and not mine, i had enough lectures off John), and so much more. And i had to deal with all this while saving my city as the hero you all know as the Green Arrow (I still don't fully believe i am a hero but Felicity always reminds me i am).

Yet, on this current day here i am, sat alone watching my son play with his toys. Since his mother died, he is now my responsibility to keep safe and alive. After he got kidnapped by Damian Dark, his mother had given up her life to save William, i can remember that day like it was yesterday. He still isn't talking much and won't trust anyone, not even me. The only person he actually feels comfortable with is Felicity. I miss waking up with Felicity in my arms, seeing her smile, listening to her sing while trying to make breakfast, i just miss her. When she had found out about William she had said she was happy that i was a father and that i would be an amazing father to William but she was hurt and heart broken i had lied to her about him. I wanted to tell her, trust me i did, but the only way for me to see him was if i didn't tell anyone, his mother had made me promise. Since i let Felicity in, i have never lied to her, so this one was hard. When finally sat down and discussed what was going to happen now, Felicity had just said that William needed me now more than ever and that i need alone time with him. She had also said she needed time to get her head round everything and called off the engagement until she felt she was ready again. She said she still loved me but she after everything we had been through she couldn't believe i had kept something so big from her. For the first time in for a long time, i begged. I begged her not to go because i didn't want her to go and to be honest with you, i was scared to be left alone with William, i have no idea how to be a good father.

That had happened 2 months ago. I have taken time off from being the arrow so i can spend some quality time getting to know my son. My son, it still sounds weird. Captain Lance & Donna will pop over sometimes to check in and see how we are both doing. Donna will tell me how Felicity is and how she is doing at Plamers Tech. It just makes me miss her even more. Thea, Diggle & Laurel come over for dinner a lot, they say they want to come see William but i know they are here to check i am still sane. William still hasn't said anything, i am starting to get worried.

I had just put lunch on the table (Omelet, William's favorite) when William spoke up for the first time in 2 months.

"When is Felicity coming back?"

I think my heart had stopped. I just stood there staring at him, frozen. I didn't know what to say because i seriously didn't know the answer. I didn't realise he thought about her, that he even wanted her here. I know how he feels.

"Sorry, i shouldn't have asked" William looks down, slowly picking at his food.

"No, it's okay, you can ask if you like. I'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you" I sit in the chair next to him, nervous. "Felicity is just staying with Captain Lance and her mum for a while"

"Why? Doesn't she like me?" He looks up at me like hes a little puppy whose been left on his own

"Oh bud, of course she likes you, who wouldn't. Felicity is just very busy with work and wanted to give us some time to bond"

"Do you think she will have some free time to talk if we called her?"

"You want to ring Felicity?" What i would do to hear Felicity's voice.

I dial her number and hand the phone to him.

Williams waits for someone to pick up

"Hello?" I can hear Felicity, she sounds nervous, unsure, like she is deciding if she should have picked up the phone.

"Felicity? Hi, it's William, do you remember me?" William walks over to the big windows and looks out at the view.

"Of course i remember you sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm okay i think, i miss mum and Oliver has been very sad too"

"Have you spoken to Oliver about your mum, it's okay to talk to him you know"

I can't really hear them from over here but i can see William look at me and shake his head and look back out the window, i wonder what they are talking about?

"I can't, i don't think he wants me here"

"That's not true, Oliver, your dad, wants you there. He is just a bit nervous as he doesn't really know what to say. Your dad has never been a big talker, since the day i met him"

"Will you come over for tea?"

"Um, you will have to go and ask you dad"

William runs over to me holding the phone tight like it is his only life line

"Oliver, i mean dad, can Felicity please come over for dinner?" For the first time since his mother passed, he looks hopeful, almost happy, and.. wait... did he just call me dad? I can't help but grin a little.

"Of course she can, if that's what she wants? Around 5:30?"

"Dad said it's fine for you to come over for dinner, he said about 5:30?

"Okie dokie then, i will see you at 5:30. bye William"

"Bye Felicity" He hangs up, hands be the phone and runs off to his room with the biggest smile on his face. I can't help but wear the exact same smile, this might be my chance to get Felicity back home. Now all i have to do is cook her favourite meal and be calm. i can do that, right?

5:30 comes and there is a knock at the door, as always Felicity is bang on time. I walk over to the door, nervous, i haven't seen her in 2 months and i miss her so much. I reach for the door handle and open it with shaking hands. She is stood there (the chip Curtis made worked) wearing jeans, a green jumper and her hair in her usual pony tail. She looks just as nervous as i do.

I clear my throat and smile at her.

"Hello Felicity"

She smiles at me and nods her head,

"Hello Oliver"



Hope you enjoyed this one, i wanted to write one with William.

Let me know if you would like a part two and if you have any ideas you would like me to work with :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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