The Birthday

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Hey~!! No one knew this was gonna be a co-op book, huh? >:D Do not worry I didn't STEAL this account, Gloria just wanted me to update this chapter. If anyone wants to know who this mystery writer is, please comment and vote on this chapter. Now, onto the story! ~Starry.

     It was seven at night and we still weren't stopping the party.

     "Hey babe, how's it goin'?," JC joyfully said. He hiccuped and I let out a short laugh.

     "I'm sure you have had enough to drink."

     He gave me a confused look,"It was only apple juice.."

     I threw back my head and laughed again for what felt like the millionth time. "I'm pretty sure that wasn't apple juice. Now let's get you into bed."

     He pouted. "But it's only seven thirtyyyy."

Gaitrie came up behind me and yelled,"BOO," right in my ears.

"G-Gaitrie! Don't do that!"

Jc tried to defend me. "Yeahh. Don't do that t-" and then he fell back over.

I sighed. This is the guy that I fell in love with.

I lugged Jc up to his bedroom and put him on the bed. He was mumbling to himself.

     "C-come sleep with me Bella..." He murmured. "I don't want to do anything messy, I just want to sleep with you."

     I was blushing madly. "B-but what about the party? I mean, I can't tell everybody to just leave."

     "Well, they'll have to. Or they can just stay and continue with the party but without the beautiful birthday girl," He said quietly. So quietly that I had to lean in to hear what he was saying. But when I heard him, my heart glowed with my love for him.

     "Alright, alright. I'll go ask them if they want to leave. If they want to stay then that's up to them."

     I was walking out the door when I flicked off the light and looked back. Jc had his eyes closed with a small smile on his face, he was so freaking cute.

     Hearing the clamor from downstairs, I quickly rushed down to see what on earth was going on.

     Gaitrie was standing on the table yelling something along the lines of,"MY CHEEZ-ITS" while holding a box of Ritz crackers.

Kian was on the couch helplessly crying my name over and over.

     I groaned. "Guys. You need to leave now."

    "BUT THESE ARE MY CHEEZ-ITS." Gaitrie yelled.

     "One, those are not cheez-its, and two, you guys have to go home. I will take you guys back to your place because both of you will probably get in a car crash."

     Kian stopped crying and started whining. "But Bellaaaaaa. I don't want to leave.."

     "YEAH! WHY DO WE HAVE TO LEAVE??" Gaitrie yelled.

     "Me and JC are going to sleep, so we thought that we wouldn't be the greatest of friends if we just left you here."
     "Ohhhhh.." Said Gaitrie very loudly. She raised one eyebrow,"So you'll be doing the frick-frack all night long that means, am I right??

     I blushed and stomped my foot furiously,"N-NO! Where would you get that idea?!"

     Kian started crying all over again,"Bu-but I want Bella to be mine!! Uwahhh...."

    "Well too bad Kian. You and Gaitrie have had way too much to drink, I'm taking you home. No buts!"

     When I got back from dropping them off, I went back up to JC and I's bedroom. I stood next to the bed while he was sleeping and when I laid down he looked at me and I kissed him on the forehead and whispered "Poor baby, are you OK?"

     "Yeah I guess I just miss my little girl, that's all." he sighs.

     "I know babe" I respond quietly. "I know."

     Our legs tangled together as he hugged me by the waist. "I love you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed his hands.

     "I love you too."

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