New School

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When I first started at Dorothy Fisher, it was like the middle of the second week of school. So basically everybody had already made friends and made their little cliques or whatever. When I walked into class, it was like everybody was staring at me. I felt like Tupac for a hot second. Luckily, my teacher was super nice. She was always one of my favorite teachers. She was pretty and she had long, blonde, curly hair. She always wore really bright clothes, which I thought was fun back then and literally every single day her nails would be a different color. After a couple weeks I had made a few friends. Well I wouldn't call them friends, they were just people I talked to in class. Ms. Alexander did this thing. She would give everybody a homework packet on Monday of every week that was due on Friday at the end of that week. And we all had our own cubbies so when it was time to turn it in, that's where you would put it. Then we would go to lunch and when we came back from lunch, if you turned in the homework you would have a handful of candy on top of the paper with a grade. Man. I loved that class.
But then I had this one teacher named Ms. Wilkins. I fucking hated her. She was on my back about every little thing I did and it was always me. Never anybody else. My seat was literally in the front of the class where the board was. She had moved my seat because I kept talking. But I had this friend named Timea who sat up there with me. Guess what guys. She was a hoe. Guess what else. I learned how to be a hoe from her. Yes, yes. I was only in fifth grade but I had already learned the ropes of eternal skank-hood. I was flashing boys and letting different people touch all over me and I just didn't care because I liked the attention. I remember this boy I liked had a girlfriend and I told him if he broke up with her I would show him my boobs. And he did. So I did. Lmfao. I wasn't ashamed either. It's crazy because I was one of the only girls in the class that actually had boobs. And I don't mean like little A cups. No no no. I was already into a B cup. So I pretty much became one of the class hoes. Not class like a specific class, but class like our grade. It's crazy that I still remember that. Oh yeah I let this boy named Robert slide his hand up my shirt too. Don't judge. He had animal crackers and I wanted them. Gotta do what you gotta do.

And then I got expelled from there too. Here's the story:

I was sitting at lunch with my acquaintances. At the table next to us was where my crush, Reginald Hall, was sitting. I'll never forget that name. He played me like a game too. I was going to write him a note that said, "I stuff notes in my bra because I'm smart". Listen. I was only like 10 or 11 I don't even know what that was supposed to mean. But it sounded hoe-ish and that was the motive. Well. I got scared and decided I wasn't gonna give it to him. Guess who did though. Timea did. Guess who got in trouble for it. I did. So I got sent to the office. I left my stuff in the lunch room. I had this green composition book that had red hearts all over the front of it. And all inside the book was stuff I wrote about Reginald. Like how sexy he was and how much I wanted to kiss him. Y'all know what I'm talking about, typical little girl stuff. Well the principal thought it was bad enough that he needed to call my dad and suspend me. So I lied and told him that the note was supposed to say, "I stuff notes in my BRAIN because I'm smart." Well my dad is also smart because he was like that's bullshit. My mom believed it though. Until she saw the note. I didn't think ahead far enough to realize that they would see the note. Anyway. I got my ass beat. And I got put on punishment for two months. Also got sent to a new school: Chandler Park Academy.

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