Chapter 6

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I've lost my best friend and I've lost my boyfriend. Well not yet but soon. I lay on my bed and cry. I dunno what to do anymore. I ring Dylan and ask if I he can take me for a drive so I can talk to him.
An hour later I get in his car.
"Hey babe" he says
"I need to talk" I say seriously
"Ok what" he says
"Are u cheating on me with Sarah" I ask
"What no" he says clenching his jaw
"You sure?? I've lost my best mate because of u." I say
"Why" he says
"Because he saw u kissing Sarah and I stayed on ur side but everybody saw it." I cry
"HOW DID HE EVEN SEE" he shouts
He stops the car and drags me into an alley way. Omg. He pushes me up against the wall and punches me in the stomach, then the face, then the arm, finally the leg.
"OWWWE" I cry
"We're staying together and if u tell anyone that I hurt u or were not together I will hurt you, very bad" he growls.
He walks back to his car and drives away. I put in my coat to hide the bruises and run home. I'm gonna need a lot of makeup.
I get to my front door and knock it rapidly. Chris answers.
"Taylor?? What happened to ur eye" he says shocked.
I burst out crying and run upstairs.
I answer the door to Taylor and she runs upstairs crying. Her mum looks at me. I was here because her mum didn't know where she went so she asked me to come round. I run upstairs after her and walk into her room. She was in a crop top and shorts. She turns around and she had bruises on her arm, stomach, leg and eye. She starts crying and I went up to hug her and sit on the bed With her.
"What's happened" I say
"I can't tell u" she
"You can, trust me" I say
"No I can't, I'll get hurt more." She says
What has happened to her??
Authors note//
Sorry this is so short it's just a filler chapter xx please vote and share and suggestions in the comments!! Thanks lads and girls!! Xxx

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