Chapter 14

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I woke up and saw that Crawford and Megan aren't in, they have probably gone out. I run into Chris's room and jump on him waking him up.
"Wakey wakey" I laugh
"Urghh it's too early" he groans
"Christian it's 11:37am" I say laughing
"I don't care I'll get up at 11:40" he says smiling
3 minutes later I drag him out of bed.
"What do u wanna do today" I ask
"I don't know, wanna go to Starbucks" he says
"Sure" I smile
I get changed into a white adidas top with black shorts and black boots. I put on my silver Pandora ring and put my hair into a messy bun. I put on foundation, contour, eyeliner, eyeshadow, fake eyelashes, eyebrows and purple lipstick. Christian doesn't like it when I wear loads of makeup but I love putting it on.
I walk downstairs and Chris is sitting on the sofa watching the Simpsons. He turns and looks at me then frowns.
"What" I say
"Why are you wearing so much makeup" he says with a pouty face
"I like putting it on" I laugh
"Chris" I say a couple seconds after
"Yeah" he says putting his arm around As I sit down.
"Can I do your makeup on your YouTube channel" I say facing him.
"Hmmm nope" he says popping the p
"Why not" I say sitting on his lap
"Because I don't want that on my face" he laughs
"But it would be funny" I laugh
"No we're not" he says
"Please" I say pouting and puppy dog eyes.
"Ok fine" he says
I lean down a kiss him on the lips and run upstairs and get my makeup bag.
"We're not doing it now" he says as I run back down
"Why not" I say
"Because where going out" he laughs
"Where?" I say
"Starbucks DUHHH" he says
"Oh yeah" I laugh

We get back from Starbucks and Megan and Crawford are back home.
"Hi" I say
"Hey" they say in unison
"Chris can I do you makeup now" I say
"No" he says
"Please" I say
"Nope" he says laughing
"Chris let her it would be funny" Crawford says
"No" he laughs
I start chasing him and I trap him in the corner of the garden. He looks up and frowns.
My mum was sat watching us out the window smiling. Not creepily but happily. I kiss him and drag him back inside, I don't really wanna see her.
I was just about to get into bed when I get a message. By mum.
Mum💕- I need to speak to you X
Me- why mum
Mum💕- I want to let you know something that I've been hiding and I also miss you.
Me- fine I'll sneak out wait there.
I climb out the window but as I was halfway out I heard a voice behind me.
"Where you going" Chris says looking at me.
"What are you stalking me?? Checking up on me fuck sake" I say annoyed.
I don't know why I was annoyed but he looked pissed with me.
"Wow sorry just getting my jumper and see you halfway out the window" he says and grabs his jumper and slams the door behind him. I roll my eyes and carry on.
Why is she so moody?? I slam the door and walk downstairs.
"What's wrong with you" Crawford says
"Nothing I'm fine" I say looking at the tv
"Have you and Taylor had an argument already" he says
"No I just walked up there to get my jumper and see her sneaking out the window I ask where she's going and she gets all moody with me so I just grabbed my jumper and slammed the door behind me." I say
"Why's your jumper in her room?" He asks
"It was in my room you dickhead how else would she get out, I think she's going next door" I say
"Wait why she going there" Megan says
I shrug and get my phone out.
I get into the house and see my mum tied up to a chair. I cover my mouth so Kyle doesn't here me. I text Chris immediately.
Me- Chris my mums getting beat up by Kyle, she's tied to a chair crying, what do I do xxxx
Christian😊- why did you go there and wait there let me sneak out. Xxx
Me- my mum wanted to talk to me xxx
I turn around and see him opening his window. I shh him to tell him to be quite. I see Crawford watching. I mouth to him stay there and he nods.
Chris jumps through the window and looks through the crack of the doormen quickly calls the police and whispers into the phone. I was crying my eyes out and covering my mouth to not make a noise.
We hear the door open and people running upstairs. Chris hugs me and the police fling the door open and hold Kyle back. I run up to my mum and untie her from the chair. She falls into my arms and cry. Chris was talking to the police.
I've been living in Chris's place for a week but i decided to move back into mine as my mum wanted me too.
We move everything back in and me and Megan are sitting on my bed laughing and joking about things. Megan and Crawford are going on a date tonight which I'm excited for.
"Girls dinner" my mum says outside the door.
We walk downstairs and sit at the table.
"Mum tell me everything that happened" I say and Megan nodded.
"He made me do things, like kick you out and hurt you. He deleted your number off my phone, luckily i remembered it. He abused me whenever he saw me looking at you. Like earlier when I was watching you out the window and you went inside he hit me, hard" she says with tears in her eyes.
"Oh mum why didn't you call the police" I ask
"I did he hurt me more" she says
I sit there not knowing what to say.
"Well Taylor and Christian are together now" Megan says smiling.
"Finally I thought it was never gonna happen" she says smiling.
"So did I" I say
Authors note//
There's not going to be much chapters left after this, maybe two or three. Sorry it was a short story but I'm going to be writing a Zalfie (Zoella and Alfie) book soon, and also a sequel to this book if you want, comment if you want me too. Thanks so much please vote and share!!! xxxx

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